SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Cataloging & Metadata Librarian, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Description: Wellesley College seeks a knowledgeable, forward-looking, team-oriented Cataloging & Metadata Librarian to support user discovery of library resources at Wellesley College and beyond. The Cataloging & Metadata Librarian makes the Library’s collections accessible through the description and intellectual organization of these collections, following current standards and best practices for cataloging and metadata. Wellesley College…

Records Manager, Princeton University Library, Princeton, NJ

Description: The Princeton University Library seeks to fill the position of Records Manager (RM). The RM will report to the Assistant University Librarian for Archives & Records Management and will be responsible for contributing to the development and delivery of a comprehensive, best practice-based Records Management Program for Princeton University. The RM will work with…

Head of Electronic Resources and Collection Metadata Management, Hesburgh Libraries at Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

Description: The Hesburgh Libraries at Notre Dame are accepting applications for Unit Head of Electronic Resources and Collection Metadata Management. Join the Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame as our new Unit Head of Electronic Resources and Collection Metadata Management Who We’re Looking For: A metadata librarian with a successful track record as a manager or team…

Instruction and Research Librarian, William and Mary Libraries, Williamsburg, VA

Description: William & Mary Libraries is seeking a creative and collaborative Instruction and Research Librarian. The librarian will cultivate partnerships that help the Libraries understand and respond to student and faculty informational needs. A critical aspect of this position requires that the librarian be a strong presence in the campus community, building and maintaining close…

Library Resident, Clemson University: University Libraries, Clemson, SC

Description: Clemson Libraries seeks a collaborative and inclusive librarian seeking their first professional academic librarian position to participate in a three-year residency program. Clemson University is a member of the ACRL Diversity Alliance, and the purpose of the Library Residents Program is to increase the number of talented and qualified professional librarians from underrepresented racial and…

Faculty Vacancy, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Description: The Wayne State School of Information Sciences is currently recruiting to fill an open rank faculty vacancy for fall 2021.  The new faculty member is expected to have experience in delivering dynamic online teaching, as the School’s curriculum is primarily delivered asynchronously in the online environment. The School offers two master’s degrees, several joint…

Research Data Librarian, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC

Description: The University of North Carolina Wilmington is recruiting for a Research Data Librarian as a part of Randall Library’s newly developed Scholarly Research Services (SRS) team designed to support UNCW’s recently elevated status as a doctoral university and serves as Randall Library’s functional expert on the range of data services increasingly supported in research…

Lecturer in Applied Technology, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK

Description: The University of Oklahoma School of Library and Information Studies invites applications for a non-tenure track renewable term faculty position for the Tulsa campus, beginning in August 2021. This position will support the new Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Technology which began on the Tulsa campus in Fall 2020. It will also include support…

Director of the School of Information, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA

Description: The School of Information at San José State University is recruiting for a Director. The successful applicant will be appointed at Professor rank. The School of Information delivers all degrees and certificates 100% online. It offers three master’s degrees: Library and Information Science (MLIS) [Accredited by the American Library Association], Archives and Records Administration…

Professor/Director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

Description: The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Rhode Island seeks a Director of the Harrington School of Communication and Media, a leader in communication and media research and education. Administratively housed within the College of Arts and Sciences, the largest college in the University of Rhode Island, the Harrington School is…