SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Teaching and Learning Librarian, Nevada State College, NV

Description: The Marydean Martin Library at Nevada State College (NSC), recipient of the 2020 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award, invites applications for a Teaching and Learning Librarian. Reporting to the Director of Library Services, the successful candidate will join a dynamic team whose vision is to boldly expand the horizons of the contemporary college library. The…

(2) Health Sciences Librarians, Dana Medical Library, The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

Description: The University of Vermont Dana Medical Library seeks two creative and service-orientedindividuals to join our team of librarians who report to the Director of the Dana Medical Library.Health sciences librarians at UVM provide high quality user-centered teaching, learning andresearch support to constituents from the Larner College of Medicine, the College of Nursingand Health Sciences,…

Head of Learning Commons & Branch Libraries, Old Dominion University Libraries, Norfolk, VA

Description: Old Dominion University Libraries seek qualified candidates for the position of Head of Learning Commons and Branch Libraries. The position is responsible for leadership of the Learning Commons and Branch Libraries Department and management of personnel, operations, and services. Position oversees help desk services at Perry Library, Music Library (co-located with Diehn Composers Room,…

Information Delivery & Access Services Evening Coordinator, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Description: The Northeastern University Library seeks enthusiastic, innovative, and customer service-oriented individuals who are committed to helping users access the university library’s broad array of physical and digital resources and services, especially during evening and weekend hours. The facility is open 24/7 and welcomes 9,000+ users any given weekday. The Information Delivery and Access Services…

Reference & Instruction Librarian II, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Description: We are looking for a Librarian II to join our Reference & Information Library Services (RILS) team who can serve as a business subject specialist. Despite the “Required Experience” of collection development in business, we can and will train if a candidate has collection development (in any subject) experience. Candidates who are bilingual English-Spanish are…

Head of Collections Strategy, Clark University Libraries, Worcester, MA

Description: Clark University’s Goddard Library seeks a collaborative, creative, and forward-thinking librarian to serve as Head of Collections Strategy. The incumbent will lead the Collections Team and manage, assess, and develop collections appropriate to serve the evolving needs of the faculty and students of our undergraduate and graduate programs.   Reporting to the University Librarian, the Head of Collections Strategy has primary responsibility for management, assessment, and…

Tenure Track Instructor/Assistant Professor University Archivist & Special Collections Librarian (Beginning August 2022)-Millersville, PA

Description: The Millersville University Library welcomes applications for a collaborative, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor to serve as University Archivist & Special Collection Librarian beginning August 2022. The candidate should be familiar with current trends in Archives and Special Collections, with an emphasis on keeping up-to-date with latest developments. Most important, this position requires the ability to adapt these trends…

Bibliometric/Altmetric Data Analysis and Reporting Internship/Capstone Project, University of Pennsylvania Libraries and Penn Global Medicine

Description: Overview:  Unique project to determine the global and domestic impacts of University of Pennsylvania and Penn Global Medicine’s medical research efforts. Candidates will work with University of Pennsylvania librarians and Penn Medicine executives to develop and use tools for bibliometric and altmetric analysis. Scope:  Provide a series of reports using licensed datasets and tools…

Assistant Professor/Electronic Resources Librarian (Full-Time), University of Southern Mississippi, MS

Description: The University of Southern Mississippi invites applicants for a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor/Electronic Resources Librarian, in the University Libraries to begin in the spring of 2022. Job Summary: As a member of the Technical Services unit, the Electronic Resources Librarian works collaboratively to innovate the electronic resources lifecycle. The Electronic…

Electronic Resources Librarian, MIT Libraries, Cambridge, MA

Description: The MIT Libraries are on an exciting journey of transformation, prioritizing a digital-first, open scholarship agenda that accelerates the progress of science, promotes equity and inclusion across disciplines, and reduces the marginalization of scholars and scholarship from disadvantaged communities. We are exercising bold leadership in defining a model for research libraries in an unpredictable…