LIS 512 Evaluating Plans, Preserving & Processing for the Local History “Beverly Room”, Beverly Public Library, (Beverly, MA)
Posted March 25, 2025
This 130 hour on-site archival internship project for LIS 512 (Advanced Field Experience) will include reviewing previously created archivist reports and preservation & processing plans for Beverly Public Library’s local history Beverly Room, with the goal of determining what progress has been made. The project may also involve proposing improvements to existing plans; contributing to the deaccessioning, processing & preservation of the Beverly Room collections, digitization of Beverly Room materials, or patron programming, depending on the intern’s interest areas. The intern(s) will give a presentation at the conclusion of their project to inform library staff and the public about their accomplishments and progress made with the local history collection. The intern will be supervised by the Head of Reference.
- Enrolled in LIS 512 Advanced Field Experience and on archival studies track
- CORI check
- Sign NOBLE Employee Confidentiality Agreement
Intern hours can be flexible, but must fall within Head of Reference’s schedule M, T, W & F 9-5, Th 1-9 with every 4th weekend Sat. 9-5 (starting June 14). Summer reading programming will impact the consistency of the Head of Reference’s schedule. Work must be completed on-site, though some remote work may be possible.
How to Apply
Please work with the LIS 512 Advanced Field Experience instructors for placement at Beverly Public Library. All deadlines follow LIS 512 guidance.