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Temporary Archivist, Yale Divinity Library, New Haven, CT


In 2024, Yale Divinity Library received the Lex Hixon Papers along with a monetary donation to support the processing and exhibiting of the collection. The library consequently seeks a temporary archivist to arrange, describe, and make accessible this collection, and to promote the collection through various means (including an exhibit). The maximum length of the term is 26 weeks with a start date sometime before September 2025. Pay will be $34/hour. No additional benefits (e.g., vacation or health benefits) are included.

Hixon (1941-1995) was a major religious figure who followed numerous religious traditions at various points in his life. He was perhaps best known for his radio program “In the Spirit,” in which he interviewed religious leaders of many types. His papers document the program as well as his personal religious experiences, his writings, his education, and his correspondence. 

Reporting to the Special Collections Librarian, Yale Divinity Library, the Lex Hixon Archivist will fully process the 26 linear foot collection and help publicize it. The work entailed will include, but not be limited to, review of pertinent background information, including the Yale processing manual; creation of a processing plan with assistance from the Special Collections Librarian; arrangement of the collection according to the processing plan; description of the collection and creation of a finding aid; composition of text to use for publicity; and curation of a small exhibit.

Applicants should have or be in the process of seeking a master’s degree from an ALA‐accredited library school or equivalent accredited degree, with formal training in archival theory and practice. Currently enrolled students should have already taken a class in archival theory and practice. In selected instances, a post graduate degree in museum studies or a related discipline in the humanities or social sciences may be substituted for a master’s degree in library science and formal training in archival theory and practice. 

How to Apply:

To apply, submit a cover letter and resume to Scott Libson, Special Collections Librarian, Yale Divinity Library,

Preference will be given to applications received by April 11, 2025. Selected applicants will be invited for a Zoom interview and asked to provide two references.