Call for Blog Posts: Adjusting and Managing WARC Workflows, SAA Electronic Records Section
Posted February 19, 2025
Call for bloggERS!: Adjusting and Managing WARC Workflows
We are currently accepting submissions for a new mini-series of blog posts called Adjusting and Managing WARC Workflows.
This series will examine how you or your organization have adjusted your web capturing workflows.
Examples may include: demonstrating updated workflows to preserve WARC files external to the Internet Archive, changes in procedure or policy as a direct response to cybersecurity threats, spotlighting new solutions to WARC capturing and/or web crawling, diversifying your web archiving toolkit— we’re also open to your suggestions!
Writing for bloggERS!:
- We encourage visual representations: Posts can include or largely consist of comics, flowcharts, a series of memes, etc!
- Written content should be roughly 600-800 words in length
- Write posts for a wide audience: anyone who stewards, studies, or has an interest in digital archives and electronic records, both within and beyond SAA
- Align with other editorial guidelines as outlined in the bloggERS! guidelines for writers.
How to Apply:
Submissions are due by March 18th, 2025.
Please let us know if you are interested in contributing by sending an email to [email protected]!