SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Instruction and Innovation Librarian, Taft School, Watertown, CT


The Taft School seeks a full-time faculty member to serve as an Instructional and Innovation Librarian for an August 2025 start date. The focus of this role is overseeing the library and information literacy instruction program in addition to actively seeking opportunities for collaboration with subject area teachers. Taft seeks a dynamic educator who will be an active participant in our academic, co-curricular, and residential programs. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Position Requirements:

  • Overseeing the library and information literacy instruction program and actively seeking opportunities for project-based collaboration with subject area teachers. 
  • Providing direct class instruction on all aspects of the research process, including searching for, retrieving, structuring, and ethically using information for various academic disciplines.
  • Leveraging existing and emerging pedagogical technologies to foster learning, exploration, innovation, creativity, and curiosity in community members. (See the “Qualifications” section below.)
  • Supporting the library program by engaging in collection development, weeding, evaluating current and potential library resources, and editing resources and course guides in LibGuides
  •  Attend weekly faculty and department meetings; student round table meetings as needed; and other meetings as may be required by the head of school, assistant head of school for faculty and academics, dean of faculty, department head, or other senior administrator.
  • Serve on at least one standing committee, which meets periodically throughout the academic year. Depending on the committees offered, this person will likely sit on a committee focused on Academic technology, pedagogy and assessment, or artificial intelligence.
  • Two seasons, or equivalent involvement, in Taft’s afternoon program (co-curricular) activities (approximately 24 weeks per academic year with 5 days per week or equivalent as standard commitment) unless otherwise stated in the job description for a specific position;
  • Evening duty– either dormitory duty or equivalent supervisory duty–that consists of a 4.5-hour shift between approximately 7:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. once a week; a 5-hour weekend duty shift between approximately 7:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. once a month; and, periodic overnight duty for faculty residing in dormitory housing or an afternoon duty shift for faculty assigned to supervisory duty. 
  • Responsible for the care and well-being of students in a residential boarding school. Provide a safe and secure experience for all students.
  • Serving as an advisor to a group of students, attending weekly advisory community lunches, and writing individualized advisor letters at the end of each semester;
  • Attending weekly seated dinners during fall and spring;
  • Some summer work in preparation for the upcoming academic year program. 
  • Drive students as part of afternoon program (co-curricular) activities and as needed for student appointments, activities, and emergency medical attention. The requires obtaining the A Endorsement on your CT Driver’s License. 
  • Additional responsibilities and duties as directed by the head of school. 

How to Apply:

Please see here for more details and how to apply: