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Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of Florida, (Gainesville, FL)

The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida seek a collaborative and engaging Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian to provide leadership and direct outreach and support to the University community on issues related to scholarly communications, intellectual property law and policy, and open scholarship. This twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position advocates for, develops, and delivers timely educational and instructional programs relevant to the evolving intellectual property and scholarly communications ecosystems.

The Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian builds and maintains strong, collegial relationships across the Libraries and campus. These relationships support the development of collaborations and partnerships that reflect the University’s Core Values and support a wide variety of services and programs that contribute to the University’s education, research, and service missions. This position provides expertise in alternative publishing models, open scholarship, author rights, copyright, and compliance with public-access requirements for federally funded research and is responsible for tracking trends that affect access to scholarly information. This position also supports and informs policies for the UF Author Rights Policy, LibraryPress@UF, Affordable UF, the Institutional Repository at the University of Florida (IR@UF), and other campus support programs and initiatives.

As a member of the Academic Research Consulting & Services (ARCS) Department, this position contributes to shared departmental and Libraries-wide goals and collaborates with existing ARCS specialists providing services on a wide range of research methodologies and scholarly communications issues.


  • Strong potential to meet the requirements for promotion and tenure outlined in the Libraries by-laws
  • Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution or advanced degree in a
    relevant field
  • Eight years of relevant experience is required, of which five years must emphasize scholarly
    communication issues in libraries, academia, scientific or scholarly publishing, or other relevant
  • Extensive knowledge of U.S. copyright law and policy, especially as it applies to the application of Fair
    Use Doctrine and reuse permissions in academic and research settings
  • Knowledge of international copyright law and policy, especially as it applies to digitization and digital
    humanities projects
  • Practical experience with Open Education Resources, course text affordability initiatives, current
    library course reserves and interlibrary loan practices, controlled digital lending, and shared
    collections initiatives
  • Practical experience with author publishing agreements, Creative Commons licenses, open access
    publishing models, publisher licensing practices, researcher IDs (ORCID), and other issues and trends
    relevant to the scholarly communications landscape
  • Demonstrated experience providing one-on-one and group consultations to users and advising
    colleagues and administrators
  • Demonstrated experience in developing and delivering instructional sessions to a wide variety of
    stakeholders in both classroom and professional development settings
  • Evidence of excellent interpersonal skills, including oral and written communication
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively with diverse internal and external stakeholders


$78,861 minimum salary at the Associate University Librarian rank, $86,255 minimum salary at the University Librarian rank. The Smathers Libraries offer a salary commensurate with experience and credentials

How to Apply:

The search will remain open until January 6, 2025, and applications will be reviewed as received. For a full description of the position and instructions on how to apply, please refer to the George A. Smathers Libraries faculty recruitment webpage at