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Call for Article Submissions

Call for bloggERS!: Articles On Doing More By Doing Less and Tearing Down Digital Silos

We are currently seeking article submissions for new mini-series of blog posts that address either of the two topics below.

Doing More By Doing Less

While much of the early literature in the field of digital archives is focused on very meticulous preservation, the growing mass of digital data to be preserved has led many practitioners to streamline their workflows (see, e.g., the move away from disk imaging by default, as documented by DANNNG). What’s something you’ve chosen to deprioritize or cut from your workflows? How did you make the decision? What effect has it had on your work, your staff, and your collections?

Tearing Down Digital Silos

Although electronic records are unavoidable in these times, they are still treated as very separate from physical collections by many. Very useful information could be gathered on how practitioners are moving away from this separation and toward an approach to treat all parts of collections equally.

Writing for bloggERS!:

  • We encourage visual representations: Posts can include or largely consist of comics, flowcharts, a series of memes, etc!
  • Written content should be roughly 600-800 words in length
  • Write posts for a wide audience: anyone who stewards, studies, or has an interest in digital archives and electronic records, both within and beyond SAA
  • Align with other editorial guidelines as outlined in the bloggERS! guidelines for writers.

Please let us know if you are interested in contributing by sending an email to [email protected]!