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U.S. Department of Transportation Paid Summer Internship Opportunities–Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Transportation Paid Summer Internship Opportunities

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research Library and National Transportation Library (NTL), both located in the Washington, D.C. area, are seeking students pursuing degrees in library/information science or history for paid, full-time internships for the period June 3 – August 9, 2024.  These internships are being offered as part of the United States Department of Transportation’s Summer Transportation Internship Program for Diverse Groups (STIPDG). The internships include a stipend and travel (relocation) arrangements and shared housing for participants whose permanent residences are more than 50 miles away from their assignment locations. The deadline for submitting an application is January 31, 2024.

For more information on the program, including requirements and application instructions, please see: If you have further questions about applying, please send an email to For questions about specific positions, please refer to the contact information below.

Please note that applicants cannot apply for specific positions but can indicate their interest areas. When completing the application, please select “Library Sciences” as an interest area and “Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)” and/or “Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R)” as your preferred mode. 


Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research Library, McLean, VA

Work will be primarily on-site, with some telework flexibility.


1. Perform simple and complex cataloging for digital publications in a central repository.

2. Edit catalog and repository metadata to ensure accuracy and improved access to agency publications.

3. Assist with other cataloging, collection, and research activities as needed.

Desired Qualifications:

Coursework and/or experience in cataloging/metadata and digital libraries; Familiarity and/or experience with MARC, Dublin Core, RDA, and subject headings/authorities; Excellent communication, organizational, and analytical skills; Willingness to adapt to changing situations and take on new tasks; Ability to meet established deadlines with products that reflect professionalism.

Contact: Dawn Vanlandingham and Dawn Reinhardt,, 202-493-3172

Library Website:


Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research Library, McLean, VA

Work will be primarily on-site, with some telework flexibility.


1. Inventory archival documents and identify duplicate and copyrighted materials in preparation for digitization.

2. Catalog articles downloaded from FHWA’s Highway History site.

3. Assist with other cataloging, collection, and research activities as needed.

Desired Qualifications:

Experience creating document inventories; Coursework and/or experience in cataloging/metadata and digital libraries; Familiarity and/or experience with MARC, Dublin Core, RDA, and subject headings/authorities; Excellent communication, organizational, and analytical skills; Willingness to adapt to changing situations and take on new tasks; Ability to meet established deadlines with products that reflect professionalism.

Contact: Dawn Vanlandingham and Dawn Reinhardt,, 202-493-3172

Library Website:

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/ARCHIVES INTERN — Processing, researching, and reference services

National Transportation Library (NTL), Washington, DC

Work will be primarily on-site, with some telework flexibility.


1. Process and preserve archival collections through surveying, inventorying, cataloging and archival descriptive practices and standards.

2. Perform historical research to create content for the NTL’s website.

3. Participate in NTL’s social media and educational programing to promote library resources and services.

4. Assist with other cataloging, collection, and research activities as needed.

Desired Qualifications:

Coursework in Archival/Library Science or History; Experience processing collections; Excellent communication, organizational, and analytical skills; Willingness to adapt to changing situations and take on new tasks; Ability to meet established deadlines with products that reflect professionalism.

Contact: Eden Orelove,

NTL Special Collections Website:

NTL Website: