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Library Cataloging Intern, Preservation Society of Newport County, Newport, RI


The Preservation Society of Newport County seeks a library cataloging intern to help assess its curatorial and reference book collections. The PSNC holds eleven historic properties on Aquidneck Island and maintains an archives and object collections database but has need to gain bibliographic control over its book collections. The intern will evaluate these materials and develop and execute a cataloging plan.  

Under the supervision of the archivist, the intern will:

  • Assess and inventory the curatorial library and reference materials stored in offices and filing cabinets, as well as records for books previously cataloged as collections objects in the PSNC’s collections database, Re:Discovery Proficio.
  • Report recommendations regarding the research value, condition, and ideal storage conditions for curatorial materials.
  • Recommend potential deaccessions.
  • Assist with moving books from the house museums to special collections as necessary.
  • Create a schema and guide for cataloging books in the PSNC’s collections database, and catalog books as time allows.

Salary: $20.00/hour


  The desirable candidate will possess the following qualifications:

  • Enrollment in or recent graduation from a Master’s program in library and information science
  • Experience cataloging books, according to MARC or other schemas
  • Creativity in adapting library science best practices to a museum environment and software platform
  • Eagerness to collaborate with colleagues on finding solutions and developing workflows
  • Strong written communication skills
  • The internship experience will include lifting 40 lbs. and climbing stairs or ladders, as well as potential exposure to dust and mildew.

The schedule is up to 20 hours per week across 13-14 weeks. The intern and archivist will create the actual schedule together. No benefits or housing are included with this internship.

Some of the writing and development work for this internship may be performed remotely, but it will require on-site work and visits to the properties, as well as office time at the organization’s administration building in Newport. 

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