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Seeking proposals for EntreLib International

Entrepreneurship and Libraries (Entrelib) Conference 2022 explores how libraries and librarians support entrepreneurship in their communities and campuses. Entrelib continues to be a gathering place for academic, public, and special librarians, as well as entrepreneurial ecosystem partners, via our free online events. The event will be free and hosted on Zoom, on Tuesday, November 1, 8am-10am Eastern Standard Time and Wednesday, November 2, 8pm-10pm Eastern Standard Time.

The theme for the Entrelib International 2022 is Libraries Supporting Social Entrepreneurship Across the World. This conference will focus on the importance of libraries and entrepreneurs partnering to affect social good globally. We actively seek out and encourage perspectives from areas outside the Global North and from non-Western viewpoints, so come join us and inspire others with your ideas and initiatives that support social entrepreneurship. We encourage submissions that include but are not limited to:

  • Libraries supporting social entrepreneurship that contribute to UN Sustainability Goals (actions to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity, etc.)
  • Libraries supporting globally-focused initiatives and projects 
  • Libraries partnering with and contributing to diverse social entrepreneurship ecosystems
  • Exploring information about international markets within social entrepreneurship
  • Community specific social entrepreneurship: small-scale initiatives that serve the needs of specific geographies but addresses global challenges
  • Critical analysis of social entrepreneurship in libraries

The planning team is accepting proposals for the following session formats:

  • Workshops (30 minutes)
  • Lighting Talks (7 minutes)

To submit a proposal please fill out the submission form.  To learn more about the conference, please visit

Proposal submission deadline: September 21st, 2022

Preview the proposal submission form. Tip: Download or make a copy to draft responses before submitting.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Programming Committee using a self-designed rubric

If you have any questions, please contact the Entrelib International Programming Committee co-chairs Mariah McGregor ([email protected]) or Céline Gareau-Brennan ([email protected])