Librarian (Half-Time), The Pike School, Andover, MA
Posted June 6, 2022
The Pike School
Our community of students, teachers, families, and staff are at the heart of Pike. We ground our work in building connection, inspiring curiosity, and cultivating the learning and growth of each of our students. Our motto, Non Sibi Solum, Not for Oneself Alone, has called each of us to adjust our individual lives for our collective well being. Guided by new policies, our shared sacrifices have helped our community stay healthy and our campus open five days a week, every week thus far. Yet, even in the midst of worldwide disruption, we continue to stretch ourselves to envision a brighter future. As a new school year, a new strategic plan, and a healthier world await us, we believe we are on the cusp of this brighter future, a world more worthy of our children. If you are also looking ahead – inquisitive, hopeful, and eager, would you like to help create the future with us?
Working at Pike means immersing yourself in a student-centered culture and compassionate, diverse community. We endeavor to foster a holistic, developmentally considerate, and transformative learning environment. We strive to build upon and strengthen a culture of inclusion and belonging where students and families of all identities thrive and faculty and staff possess the competencies to support our diverse student body. Opportunities for innovation and learning are plentiful. If you’re passionate, motivated, and can’t help but dream about what’s possible for all children – we invite you to take a closer look at Pike. The Pike School, an independent elementary school in Andover, MA, serves approximately 450 students in grades pre-kindergarten through nine. Learn more about our commitment to possibility.
The Opportunity: Half-time Librarian
The Pike School seeks a half-time librarian beginning in the 2022-23 school year. This is a 10-month faculty position.
The mission of the Pike School Library is to nurture intellectual ambition in our community. We strive to connect books with readers, and we guide students, teachers, and parents/guardians in exploring information resources effectively. Our programs and services are grounded in the current national standards of the American Association of School Librarians and the work of thought leaders in the field of diverse and inclusive literature for children.
We further these principles by:
- Providing access to a wide variety of resources to support learning and to inspire the imagination.
- Working in partnership with faculty to support and enhance teaching and learning.
- Promoting reading as a way to learn about ourselves and others, and as a way to see our own experiences reflected in literature.
- Teaching critical thinking skills to develop passionate learners and responsible, agile information users.
The library department consists of the head librarian and the half-time librarian, supported by a strong corps of family volunteers. We develop and execute our programs and services in a collaborative and flexible manner, allowing us to leverage our strengths and to explore areas of professional interest and expertise. We value and honor our young readers, our faculty colleagues, and our families, endeavoring to provide a high level of service to all. We are fun-loving, curious, and believe in libraries as powerful spaces for learning, reading, and community.
Library/program administrator
- Share responsibility for daily operations of the library.
- Maintain circulation, patron, and materials records using Alexandria library software.
- Create reading promotion displays, materials such as thematic reading lists, and literature enrichment experiences.
- Maintain database access and authentication systems, troubleshooting as needed.
- Research and recommend materials for purchase.
- Maintain the library’s website.
- Train and direct family volunteers.
Information specialist
- Match students and teachers with resources that meet their informational, research, recreational, or educational needs.
- Create customized resource guides for student inquiry/research projects.
- Research, prepare, curate, and update print and electronic collections.
Instructional partner/leader
- Plan and provide learning opportunities to faculty/staff in the areas of library resources, digital literacy skills, ethical information use, and evaluating instructional materials through a culturally inclusive lens.
- Collaboratively co-teach and provide individual assistance during class visits, including inquiry/research projects, English Language Arts reading units, and scheduled browsing times.
- Act in a coaching capacity to teachers or teaching teams to design or revise inquiry/research projects, or update materials for literature units, classroom reading, or thematic study.
Desired Qualities and Qualifications
- Experience with engaging students in class discussions, fostering excitement for reading, and teaching process and problem-solving skills.
- Strong interest in working with students from age 4 to 14.
- Robust and current knowledge of children’s and YA literature.
- Demonstrated ability to cultivate positive working relationships with all constituencies, including students, parents/guardians, faculty, staff, administration, and vendors.
- Competence with Google Apps for Education and library management software.
- High level of emotional intelligence and flexibility.
- Exceptional organizational skills and ability to work autonomously when needed.
- Excellent written and verbal communication abilities across media platforms and audiences.
- Desire to work in a dynamic and collaborative independent school environment.
- Commitment to professional growth, a collaborative approach for planning, instructing and supporting students, research/evidence-based practice, and Pike’s values of equity and justice.
- Demonstrated commitment to lifelong learning through professional-level librarian work experience and/or coursework; bachelor’s degree required.
- A combination of advanced coursework in library science or three years public or school library experience is preferred.
How to Apply:
For more information and to apply, visit: