Research Editor, ProPublica, New York City, NY (Open to Remote/Help with Relocation)
Posted September 18, 2020
ProPublica is looking for a Research Editor who:
- Has news judgment and experience working in a newsroom setting, preferably in investigations.
- Is comfortable or has experience leading a team.
- Has experience evaluating and negotiating contracts for databases.
- Preferably has some data skills and proficiency in languages other than English — especially Spanish. A background in library science may be helpful.
- Wants to bring an accountability lens to the issues of the day through quick-turnaround investigations as well as longer projects.
- Really likes working with others. ProPublica are a highly collaborative newsroom, both across our team and with other news organizations. They believe they do our best work together.
How to Apply:
The orginal job posting with full description can be found here. Apply using the job portal found there. Deadline to apply is September 25th.