Call for Proposals: Entrelib 2020
Posted March 10, 2020
Entrelib invites proposals for the 2020 conference in the session formats and conference tracks below.
Conference tracks:
Community Engagement, Economic Development, & Outreach
Instruction & Programming
Resources & Spaces
Entrepreneurship “Outside the Box”
Session formats:
Panels & presentations (50 minutes, small or large group)
Lightning talk (7 minutes)
Instructional Laboratory/Experiential Education Exercises (25 minutes)
Based on a model used at the USASBE conferences, these sessions provide opportunities for librarians to demonstrate an active learning technique or an instructional/programming module in front of a small group, and then discuss it with the group.
Discussion group (50 minutes)
Poster session
Proposal Submission Deadline: May 15, 2020
Successful proposals will be notified by end of June 2020.
Click here to submit a proposal. Please note that you cannot save or preview this submission. We recommend cutting and pasting into the form from a separate file.
If you have any questions, please contact the Concurrent Programming co-chairs Gillian Robbins ([email protected]) or Carey Toane ([email protected])