Summer Intern, R Studio, Boston, MA
Posted February 24, 2020
RStudio’s summer intern program will run for a third time in 2020, and applications are now open. Five people will work with an RStudio mentor full-time for 10 weeks starting in May 2020; unlike last year’s program, everyone is welcome to apply, not just full-time students.
The closing date for applications is midnight on Friday, March 6 AOE (Anywhere on Earth), and we will interview and make offers as quickly as possible thereafter. Applicants must be residents of, and able to accept employment in, the United States, and must be able to work full-time for 10 weeks starting on either May 18 or May 25.
This year’s internships will be divided between our open source and education teams. The projects will be selected from:
1. A portal for working with spreadsheets in R.
Create resources for people working with spreadsheets in R. Develop content that does for spreadsheets what sites like and do for databases and reproducible environments, respectively. Primary tasks will include writing, synthesis, comparison, exposition, and exampling. This project is not explicitly about package development, although the work could easily lead to pull requests to spreadsheet reading/writing packages.
Candidates should show evidence of general R experience, basic competence with Git/GitHub, previous use of R Markdown, and ability to write clearly about code.
Supervisors: Jenny Bryan and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
2. Interactive tutorials for tidymodels
Build interactive learnr tutorials for tidymodels based on our existing introductory tidymodels workshop materials.
Candidates should show evidence of having used R for data analysis and/or statistical modeling as well as basic competence with Git and GitHub; experience using the learnr package is a plus.
Supervisor: Alison Hill
3. Interactive tutorials for Python
Build interactive learnr tutorials for Python using reticulate. These will mirror the content of our existing tidyverse primers.
Candidates should be comfortable using R or Python for data science and have basic competence with Git and GitHub; experience using the learnr package is a plus.
Supervisors: Alison Hill and Greg Wilson
4. Tidymodels package support
This intern will work on the support and development of modeling packages, primarily broom, which provides a large number of methods to turn models into tidy data frames. The work will include internal refactoring, revisit the testing strategy, and further develop the method.
Candidates should understand R packages, S3 methods, and unit testing, and be comfortable using Git and GitHub.
Supervisor: Max Kuhn.
5. Tree and rule-based models
The Cubist and C50 packages contain large amounts of C code to train ensemble models. This intern will improve their sustainability and add new features such as variable importance, efficiency, and cost-sensitive models.
Candidates should understand R packages work, have solid C skills and some experience with modeling, and be comfortable using Git and GitHub.
Supervisor: Max Kuhn.
Resumes must not be longer than 2 single-sided pages.
To apply for this position, please visit this link.