SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Interns (3), U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research Library and National Transportation Library (NTL), both located in the Washington, D.C. area, are seeking students pursuing MLIS degrees (or equivalents) for paid, full-time internships for the period June 1 – August 7, 2020 These internships are being offered as part of the United States Department of Transportation’s Summer Transportation Internship Program for Diverse Groups (STIPDG). The internships include a $5,000 stipend, along with travel (relocation) arrangements and shared housing for participants whose permanent residences are more than 50 miles away from their assignment locations. The deadline for submitting an application is February 1, 2020. For more information on the program, including requirements and application instructions, please see: If you have further questions about applying, please send an email to [email protected]. For questions about specific positions and projects, please refer to the contact information below.


When applying for the following positions, please select your interest areas as the “Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)” and/or the “Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R),” each with the specialty “Library Science.”


Digital Cataloging/Metadata Intern (Federal Highway Administration Research Library, McLean, VA)


  1. Perform simple and complex cataloging for digital publications in a central repository.
  2. Contribute to preparations for a large-scale digitization project, including creating an inventory of items to be digitized.
  3. Edit catalog and repository metadata to ensure accuracy and improved access to agency publications.
  4. Assist with other cataloging, collection, and research activities as needed.


Desired Qualifications:

Coursework and/or experience in cataloging/metadata and digital libraries; Familiarity and/or experience with MARC, Dublin Core, RDA, and subject headings/authorities; Excellent communication, organizational, and analytical skills; Willingness to adapt to changing situations and take on new tasks; Ability to meet established deadlines with products that reflect professionalism.


ContactDeena Yerushalmi, [email protected], 202-493-3058

Library Website:


Digital Preservation Intern (National Transportation Library (NTL), Washington, DC)

Metadata, Collection Analysis, and Digital Preservation



1. Identify, evaluate, and process legacy content of historical significance for long-term digital preservation.  Content may include audio files, research datasets, reports, still images, and memos.  Migrate formats as needed to preserve usefulness, apply metadata, and add to transportation collections in NTL’s digital repository.  Assess records for duplication, metadata quality and adherence to NTL metadata policy. Create finding aids. Work with NTL Metadata Librarians on authority control projects, such as improving the integration of digital object identifiers into NTL systems.

2. Participate in workflow assessment for web-archiving. Work with NTL Digital Librarian and NTL Data Curator to develop a policy for transportation web content and identify best practices using Internet Archive’s Archive-IT service.

3. Assist in furthering NTL’s social media efforts to promote library resources and services.


Desired Qualifications:

Coursework and/or experience in metadata, cataloging, and indexing; digital preservation; knowledge of and/or familiarity with non-MARC metadata (e.g., Dublin Core).  Familiarity and/or experience with digital storage, open access processes and collection assessment.  Candidate should possess strong organizational and analytical skills; excellent written and verbal communication skills; ability to meet established deadlines with products that reflect professionalism.


Contact: Mary Moulton, [email protected], 202-366-0303

Library Website:


Linked Data Services Intern  (National Transportation Library (NTL) and Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), Washington, DC)

Data Management and Visualization



1. Work with the NTL Data Curator, NTL Digital Librarian and BTS Port Performance Freight Statistics Program Manager in the provision of data services to BTS and the U.S. Department of Transportation.

2. Identify and curate digital reports and data sets produced by several Federal agencies concerning maritime port operations and performance.

3. Develop proof-of-concept linking digital resources from multiple sources to geographic location.  Expose connected content in interactive visualization.


Desired Qualifications:

Coursework and/or experience in Human Computer Interaction, data visualization, and data management.  Familiarity and/or experience with digital libraries and visualization techniques. Coursework and/or experience in metadata, cataloging, and indexing; knowledge of and/or familiarity with non-MARC metadata (e.g., Dublin Core).  Candidate should possess strong organizational and analytical skills; excellent written and verbal communication skills; ability to meet established deadlines with products that reflect professionalism.


Contact: Mary Moulton, [email protected], 202-366-0303

Library Website: