Call for Participation: ISIC 2020
Posted July 25, 2019
Doctoral students are invited to submit an application to participate in the Doctoral Workshop to be held in conjunction with the Information Behavior Conference ISIC2020 in Pretoria South Africa, 28th September to 2nd October 2020. During the Doctoral Workshop, scheduled for 28th September 2020, doctoral students will be invited to share their current dissertation work-in-progress with their peers and with an international panel of research mentors invited to take part in the Workshop. Please note, if accepted you can register for the full-conference at a discounted rate.
The Workshop has the following objectives:
- To provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants’ current dissertation research, and guidance on future research directions;
- To develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research;
- To contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.
Financial information (includes fees for the full conference):
ISIC doctoral workshops are specifically aimed at encouraging and enabling doctoral students to become part of the ISIC community of researchers. Participants who are accepted for the Doctoral Workshop thus register for the full conference at a considerable discount. To encourage participation from the regional community an additional discount applies for doctoral workshop students from South Africa and other African countries.
Registration fees (only students accepted for the Doctoral Workshop may register for these fees):
- Doctoral Workshop (including full conference) early registration: €220
- Doctoral Workshop (including full conference) early registration (South Africa and other African countries): €190
- Doctoral Workshop (including full conference) normal registration: €270
- Doctoral Workshop (including full conference) normal registration (South Africa and other African countries): €250
There will be no late registration for the Doctoral Workshop
Criteria for selection:
Participants for the Doctoral Workshop will be selected on the basis of their anticipated contribution to the workshop goals. Emphasis will be placed on forming a diverse group of high-quality students with a view to selecting 16-20 participants (a maximum of 25 students will be accepted). We invite students who are in the formative stages of their dissertation, and who have not yet progressed to data collection / final stages of their dissertation. Students typically have settled on thesis directions, usually with a research proposal accepted by their thesis committee or departmental research committee. Further details on workshop activities will be available on the web site closer to the event.
How to apply:
To apply as a student participant in the Doctoral Workshop, prepare a submission package consisting of the following:
- Thesis Summary: Prepare a two-page thesis summary, which outlines the problem being addressed, the proposed work plan and a description of your progress to date. Include in your summary research problems you have encountered and would like to discuss at the workshop. Use Times New Roman font, size 12; single spacing; left side alignment; paragraph indenting of 1.5. It may contain diagrams or pictures only if necessary.
- Short CV: This should include information typically found in a curriculum vitae, plus additional information on your background and relevant experience which may indicate your potential contribution to the workshop.
- Contact details: Full name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the participant as well as for the advisor/supervisor with his/her institution included.
- Letter of Recommendation from your thesis advisor or principal supervisor: This must include an assessment of the current status of your thesis research, and an expected date for thesis submission.
Submission to Easy Chair:
All Doctoral Workshop submissions should be submitted electronically to Easy Chair. Fill in the Contact details Form, Title, Abstract and Keywords Form and choose “Doctoral Workshop Submission” category. After that, two files should be uploaded.
- The first file must be a Word document containing: the Thesis Summary, a short CV, as well as all contact details. Please upload it in the EasyChair file category “Thesis Summary + short CV”.
- The second file to be uploaded is the Letter of Recommendation from your thesis advisor or principal supervisor. It should be hand signed and scanned as a .pdf file.
Important Doctoral Workshop Dates:
Submission to doctoral workshop: 31 January 2020
Notification of acceptance: 14 March 2020
Deadline for modified submission and supplemental information: 10 April 2020
Final submission: 29 May 2020
Doctoral workshop: 28 September 2020
Further Information:
Students accepted to participate in the workshop will be asked to provide supplemental information prior to the workshop that will help other participants and mentors understand the context of their research and the research challenges they wish to discuss at the workshop.
For additional information, contact the conference organisers ([email protected]) or the Doctoral Workshop convenor, Dr. Ross Todd ([email protected]).
- Registration (opening): 1 April 2020
- Early registration: 1 May – 15 June 2020
- Normal registration: 16 June – 28 August 2020