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Call for Proposals: Library Research Seminar VII

When: October 16-18, 2019

Where: The University of South Carolina, Columbia, Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library

Who: Hosted jointly by the University of South Carolina College of Information and Communication, University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science, the University Libraries, and the Library Research Roundtable of the American Library Association.

Why: 21st century libraries face critical challenges in the age of big data, fake news, and new information technologies that are driving change in our communities, which requires us to think differently about how we gather and use evidence to inform our practice. This conference brings together scholars, students, and practitioners to explore research that can move us toward innovative solutions to practical problems and provide effective direction for policy. 

What: The seventh Library Research Seminar (LRS VII) will bring together a diverse community of scholars and students from academia and practitioners from libraries and archives who are conducting or interested in learning about emerging and established research that informs critical awareness, best practices, decision-making, teaching and learning, and creative use of new technologies in all areas of libraries and the communities they serve. Participants will share research projects, discuss potential new research agendas, and have the opportunity to refine research methods and facilitate successful completion of research projects. 

LRS is a research meeting that can include empirical, methodological, and conceptual work with the field of library and information science.  It can include (but is not limited to) the following kinds of scholarship:

  • Quantitative and/or qualitative inquiry
  • Research on function, such as information seeking and retrieval, services, classification, or management
  • Inquiry related to specific environments, such as public, academic, special or school libraries
  • Research conducted by students
  • Collaborative work between professional practitioners and educators

The LRS VII Planning Committee invites proposals for papers, panels, posters, and workshops.  We anticipate that discussion will examine issues related to how scholars, practitioners, and scholar-practitioners can bridge the divide between LIS-related research and practice to better serve our communities in light of today’s critical information issues.  We welcome creative contributions from individuals and groups, students, faculty, and practitioners on a broad range of topics related to libraries including but not limited to:

  • Cutting edge research that crosses boundaries within and beyond the field of library and information science
  • The role and impact of social justice values on LIS research and practice
  • Connecting diversity and inclusion consciousness to research and practice
  • Community/campus engagement and collaboration
  • Identification of research agendas and knowledge gaps
  • Exploration of innovation in LIS education teaching and learning models, methods
  • Librarian-faculty and other partnerships and their impact on research and the collaborative approach
  • Transformation of 21st century libraries and LIS research
  • Innovation in evidence-based practice
  • Public and school library perspectives
  • Communication and sharing processes within and across institutional boundaries

How: A lively discussion of paper, panel, poster, and workshop presentations and activities, including a step-by-step assessment methods preconference and follow up sessions for early stage researchers and researcher-practitioners. 

Proposal submission guidelines and formats:

The deadline for submission of proposals is May 3, 2019. In addition to an abstract, each author or panelist must provide a separate biographical statement (maximum of 50 words).


  • Paper proposals must include a title and abstract (maximum of 500 words). Papers will be blind-reviewed; please do not include identifying information in the paper proposal.
  • Paper proposals should be submitted individually, and they will be grouped with others on a common theme, typically for a 90-minute session comprised of three paper presentations.  The abstract submitted should state the focus of the paper and the way(s) in which it contributes to the body of knowledge in the field. Presentation time for papers should be no more than 20 minutes.


  • Poster proposals must include a title, author(s), format, and abstract (maximum of 500 words).
  • This formal graphic presentation of the topic, offers an excellent opportunity for reporting on evaluation results and gathering detailed feedback on one’s work. Posters should be no larger than 40″ high and 44″ wide. Graduate student submissions are encouraged.


  • Panel proposals must include title, author(s), and abstract (maximum of 750 words).
  • The abstract should describe how three or more panelists will creatively present a cohesive theme and promote lively discussions between panelists and audience members. Proposals should provide a description of the issues to be discussed, and a list of panelists who have agreed to participate with their qualifications and contributions to the panel.


  • Workshop proposals must include title, author(s), and abstract (maximum of 750 words).
  • The abstract should provide an outline of the workshop, and describe how participants will engage an issue, learn a new skill, or develop an action plan or other activity where hands-on learning is integral. Submissions must include at least three learning outcomes and an example of an activity you plan to conduct. The learning experience should excite and encourage the participants to take risks, question assumptions, and fully engage in the learning process.  Workshops are expected to be 90 minutes in length.

Evaluation Procedures:

The Conference Planning Committee will evaluate proposals based on:

  • Relevance to the theme
  • Significance of its contribution to LIS research or practice
  • Clarity of expression
  • Appropriateness of the methodology to the research question
  • Status of research: Are the results in hand? When appropriate, please include the timeline for completion of research.

Upload submission information in either MS Word or PDF format to EasyChair here:  

Important dates:

Deadline for proposal submissions: May 24th, 2019

Notification: June 7, 2019 

Conference dates: October 16-18, 2019


LRS VII co-chairs: Jen Sweeney, San Jose State University and Amanda Folk, Ohio State University  [email protected]   [email protected]


For more information on Library Research Seminar VII, please visit