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Call for Proposals: ACM CHIIR 2020

ACM CHIIR 2020 invites submissions focused on user-centered approaches to the design and evaluation of systems for information access, retrieval, and use. Papers may explore improvements to existing systems and interfaces, propose novel theories, models, and systems, or focus on understanding individual and group interactions with information and information systems. As a multi-disciplinary research meeting, we welcome submissions using a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Topics covered include but are not limited to:

  • Information seeking, including task-based and exploratory studies
  • Search interfaces, including those for specialized tasks, populations and domains
  • User-centered design approaches to humans interacting with information and systems
  • Interaction techniques for information retrieval and discovery
  • Online information seeking, including log analysis of search and browsing
  • Modeling and simulation of information interaction
  • Information use, including measures of use as well as broader sense-making
  • Field and case studies relevant to understanding prerequisites for information searching, design and access
  • User-centered evaluation methods and measures, including measures of user experience and performance, experiment and search task design, eye-tracking and neuro-physiological approaches, data analysis methods, and usability
  • Human interaction and experience with conversational information systems
  • Context-aware and personalized search, including design, contextual features and analysis of information interaction
  • Information visualization and visual analytics, including search result presentation
  • Collaborative information seeking and social search, including social utility and network analysis for information interaction
  • Conversational search and other types of stateful and multi-turn interactions between users and search applications
  • Insights and analyses related to human experiences and usage trends with recommendation technologies
  • Information interaction and seeking with mobile devices and services

ACM CHIIR operates under the ACM Conference Code of Conduct.


Please note the following submission deadlines

October 1, 2019: Workshop and Tutorial proposals due

October 15, 2019: Full papers and Perspectives papers due

October 29, 2019: Short papers, Demos and Doctoral Consortium proposals due

October 23, 2019: Notifications of acceptance for Workshops and Tutorials

December 10, 2019: Notifications of acceptance for all other submission types


Submission Requirements can be found on the conference website:

The submission system will open in September 2019. Please stay tuned for further announcements and details.

Questions? Please send an email to [email protected].

CHIIR Organizing Committee [email protected]