Call for Participation: Doctoral Consortium
Posted March 27, 2019
The Doctoral Consortium forms part of the program of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), and takes place immediately preceding the technical program. JCDL 2019 is held June 2-6, 2019 in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA.
What is the Doctoral Consortium?
The Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for Ph.D. students from all over the world who are in the early phases of their dissertation work (i.e., the consortium is not intended for those who are finished or nearly finished with their dissertation).
The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to help students with their thesis and research plans by providing feedback and general advice in a constructive atmosphere. Students will present and discuss their research in the context of a well-known and established international conference, in a supportive atmosphere with other doctoral students and an international panel of established researchers. The workshop will take place on a single full day (June 2, 2019).
A panel of prominent professors and experienced practitioners in the field of digital library research will conduct the workshop. They will review all the submissions and comment on the content of the thesis as well as on the presentation. Students will have 20 minutes to present their research, focusing on the main theme of their thesis, what they have achieved so far and how they plan to continue their work. Another 10 to 20 minutes is reserved for discussion and feedback from both the panel and other participants. In the course of the workshop, students will also get the opportunity for one-on-one advice on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions as well as more general questions, e.g., on the differences in Ph.D. studies in different countries.
There is no registration fee for the doctoral consortium workshop for students who are accepted into the workshop and the applicants who are selected will receive complimentary conference registration. The conference organizers are seeking financial support for the Doctoral Consortium. Such funding, should it transpire, would help accepted participants offset a portion of their costs associated with attending JCDL 2019. We cannot guarantee that all costs of participation will be covered. More information will be posted when available.
In addition, student authors of accepted JCDL 2019 Doctoral Consortium papers are eligible for a SIGIR-sponsored Student Travel Award to help cover some of the costs associated with travel, lodging, and registration fees. For details on how to apply, see
Call for Papers and Topics
Students interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should submit an extended abstract describing their Digital Library related research. Submissions relating to any aspect of Digital Library research, development, and evaluation are welcomed, including: technical advances, usage and impact studies, policy analyses, social and institutional implications, theoretical contributions, interaction and design advances, and innovative applications in the sciences, humanities, and education.
To apply for participation in the Doctoral Consortium, please provide an extended abstract of your doctoral work. The extended abstract is restricted to 6-8 pages. Submissions should use the ACM Proceedings template and are to be submitted in electronic format via the
conference’s EasyChair submission page Past JCDL Doctoral Consortium submissions are available in special issues of the TCDL Bulletin, the publication of the Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries
Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness, clarity and completeness. Also, we will take into consideration expected benefits, supervisor’s support, and students’ past and current work. Doctoral Consortium participation is limited to 10 Ph.D. students.
For further details please contact the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs:
Edie Rasmussen, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia ([email protected])
Peter Darch, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ([email protected])
Oksana Zavalina, College of Information, University of North Texas ([email protected])
Important dates:
March 27, 2019: Deadline for submission of abstracts
April 5, 2019: Notification of acceptance
June 2, 2019: Doctoral Consortium