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Save the Date: 13th Annual Digital Commonwealth Conference

The Digital Commonwealth Conference Committee invites you to register for its 13th Annual Conference, centered around the theme of “Responsibilities in the Digital Age

When: Tuesday April 9th, 2019.

Where: Hogan Center, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA 


Register online for the conference here.


The keynote speaker is Peter Hirtle, Alumni Fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, who will speak on “Learning to Live with the Legal Risks of Digital Collections”.

An annual update on the Digital Commonwealth Collection’s Wooden Anniversary will be given during lunch by Eben English, Digital Repository Services Manager at the Boston Public Library.


Find more information on the keynote speakers and their presentations here.

Nine other speakers in three parallel break out sessions will address varying topics centered around the overall theme, including: 

  • Building a Community-Based Digital Archive: The Trials, Tribulations, and Thrills of
  • Caring for Your Distant Researcher: Establishing Connection and Trust in the Digital Age
  • Copyright and Intellectual Property Law: Q&A with An Expert
  • Hyperlocal Histories and Digital Storytelling: Encouraging Creative, Collaborative, and Responsible Uses of Digital Collections
  • Modeling and Viewing Three-Dimensional Artwork
  • North Andover High School History Learning Lab: Our Mission and Our Digital Responsibility
  • Rights Statements as Essential Practice
  • Visualizing W. E. B. Du Bois: Bringing Archives into the Digital Age
  • Words with Friends: Digital Preservation Peer Assessment

Find more information on the breakout session speakers and their presentations here.


Early registration (deadline extended to March 22nd, 2019) is $110 (members), $145 (non-members).

After March 22nd, 2019, registration is $125 (members), $160 (non-members).

Discounted registration of $50 is available for students who are: 

a) Enrolled in a full time undergraduate or graduate program relating to libraries and/or archives 
b) Enrolled in two or more classes for the current semester


Questions? Contact Glynda Benham,, 617-431-3933