Call for Abstracts: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education
Posted February 28, 2019
The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education ( invites submissions for a Special Issue dedicated to critical library and information studies. This special issue welcomes critical scholarship that interrogates conventional education and explores new possibilities for lessons, learnings, cases and studies in radical librarianship and related pedagogical opportunities.
For the purposes of this work, radical librarianship is understood as socially engaged forms of library and information education, research and practice that aim to address deeply rooted structures in society. Submitted works should reflect a comprehensive analysis of sociopolitical and geographical contexts and explore the radical potential that librarianship holds in the related setting and its possibilities for library and information studies.
Submissions supportive of developing knowledge and understanding of grassroots initiatives involving Canadian-based and/or international cultural brokers are preferred. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Relationships between librarianship, grassroots organizing (anti-gentrification; migrant justice; prison abolition; anti-police brutality; land defence) and social movements in Canada (Occupy; G20 and World Summit protests; Idle No More)
- Library activism in geographic contexts outside major English-speaking cities (Quebec; rural, reserve and isolated settings)
- Critical theory in library, archival, and information practice and education
- Decolonization of library, archive, and information institutions
- Perspectives of Indigenous and racialized librarians, archivists, and information workers
- Considerations of gender identity in the library, archival, and information setting
- Homelessness and poverty, as they are approached by librarianship
- Information inequality, information poverty and our incarcerated populations
- Perspectives on disabilities, accessibility, usability and universal design
- Diversity, equity, respect and expressive freedom
- Information literacy
- Artificial intelligence, education and social responsibility
- Networked learning, critical pedagogy and philosophy of technology
The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (JCIE) is a generalist, bi-yearly publication that intends to publish in almost all areas of educational research and scholarship. It is open to both field-based research and theoretical works; it especially welcomes critical scholarship that aims to contest conventional assumptions about educational and social development contexts and relationships.
As such, JCIE accepts for review, previously unpublished articles that include but are not limited to global education, foundations of education (including sociological, philosophical, historical and cultural studies in education), citizenship and human rights education, social justice and related issues in education, specialized curriculum studies topics, policy studies in education and politics of education.
Please submit your 500 word abstract to Dr. Toni Samek ([email protected]), Guest Editor of the Special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (JCIE) by June 1, 2019. Accepted authors will be expected to submit manuscripts by December 1, 2019.