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Call for Proposals: Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) 2019

TPRC is an annual cross-disciplinary conference on communications, information, and Internet policy that convenes researchers and policymakers from law, economics, engineering, computer science, public policy and related fields working in academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations around the world. 

TPRC is seeking submissions for its 47th conference, including papers, posters, panels, a Student Paper Competition, the Graduate Student Consortium, and the Charles Benton Early Career Scholar Award.

Proposals can be submitted at March 15 (proposals for student tracks are due April 30).


Papers & Posters: Submit an abstract of research in progress or recently completed and present the completed paper in a conference session or as a poster.  The presentation format is best for work that has been completed, whereas posters are ideal for feedback on work-in-progress and completed work where detailed feedback and engagement is desired.  Posters will be prominently displayed and provide an opportunity to discuss your research in detail with conference attendees. 


Panels: Propose a panel discussion of a relevant topic. If your proposal is selected, you will be asked to organize the panel. Panel specific information can be found here.


Student Paper Competition and Graduate Student Consortium: In addition to the regular conference proposals, students may also submit papers to the student paper contest and/or participate in the Graduate Student Consortium (GSC). The Student Paper Contest winners receive cash prizes, and GSC participants receive unique mentorship and networking opportunities. Both receive complimentary registration in TPRC47. Mentors are also sought for the GSC. Student program specific information can be found here.


Important Dates

  • Submission of papers, posters, and panel ideas: from February 15 through March 15
  • Submission of GSC and Student Paper Contest entries:  April 30
  • Notice of decisions to the submitting author: May 31
  • Final, complete papers for presentation: July 26


Topic Areas

We will consider proposals on the following and related topics. The program committee encourages submissions from diverse organizations, disciplines, approaches, and geographies.

  • Broadband technologies, deployment, adoption, and regulation 
  • Wireless policy (e.g., auctions, 5G, Radio spectrum, WRC-19)
  • Media, content, and online platforms and their regulation 
  • Internet governance
  • Privacy, information security, cybersecurity, data protection, and surveillance
  • Innovation policy and intellectual property (copyright, trademark and patent)
  • Emerging technologies (e.g., AI, facial & biometric recognition, etc) and their social, economic, and policy implications
  • Data science, data-driven and evidence-based policy making, economics, and policy/program analysis
  • Competition and antitrust analysis and policy
  • User and consumer behavior in communications and media
  • International communications and developing countries
  • International dimensions of technology policy: trade, geopolitics localization
  • Gender and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)


Papers and Posters

Paper sessions generally include three presentations of selected papers, grouped by common topic, with a moderator. Presentations are 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion period.

In the poster session, participants display materials that highlight their research and discuss such research with conference attendees. Posters should display the question, hypothesis, data, and results. 

Proposals (abstracts) must be submitted at March 15.



TPRC will not accept papers previously accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding, in a law review, or as a chapter in a published book. 

An author may present only one paper or poster at the conference, although may be a coauthor on multiple papers or posters. An author may submit multiple abstracts for consideration, but at most one will be accepted. 

Papers not submitted in final form by July 26 will be removed from the program. 

TPRC is a research conference; therefore, any paper or proposal must meet academic standards of research. 


Proposal Criteria:

Proposals are an abstract of the research. Abstracts should:

  • Convey the paper’s contributions. This includes explanations of
    • The objective(s) of the paper, relevant field(s) of research, and topic
    • The methods and data, if relevant (empirical methods are not required);
    • Why the research is novel and relevant to contemporary communications policy; and
    • Results or conclusions if available.
      • Be 500 words or less.
      • Not include author’s name or other identifying information.

Review Process:

All abstracts will be evaluated through double-blind peer review and assessed on the merits of the proposed contribution. Each submission will be reviewed by three or four members of the TPRC Program Committee. The chair of the Program Committee is ultimately responsible for final decisions, which are made in consultation with the committee. The Program Committee aspires to provide written feedback to submitters along with notifications.


Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstracts: from February 15 through March 15
  • Notice of decisions: May 31
  • Final accepted papers in full form: July 26
  • Posters: September 20