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Call for Submissions: 2019-2020 REFORMA Scholarships

Applications are now being accepted for the 2019-2020 REFORMA Scholarship and the 2019-2020 Rose Treviño Memorial Scholarship.

Any current or newly entering graduate library school student [M.L.S. or Ph.D.] may apply for these $1,500 maximum scholarships. The applicant must provide proof of enrollment to an ALA-accredited library school. Full-time status is not a requirement. The scholarships are not restricted by age, sex, creed, national origin, or minority group/association membership.

The REFORMA scholarship is open to students who are Spanish-speakers or interested in serving Latinos or the Spanish-speaking.  The Rose Treviño Memorial Scholarship is for those pursuing a degree in children’s or young adult librarianship and are Spanish-speakers or interested in serving Latinos or the Spanish-speaking.

The application deadline is March 15, 2019.

More information and the application can be found on REFORMA’s Scholarship Page. 

For questions, please email Delores Carlito at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> with the subject 2018 REFORMA Scholarship Questions.