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Records Analyst, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

Campus/Location:       University Park Campus

Date Announced:        11/14/2019

Date Closing:               Until Filled

Job Number:               85075

Level/Salary Band:      04 – F – Non-Exempt

Work Unit:                   University Libraries and Scholarly Communications

Department:               Administrative and Financial Services / Records Management

Full/Part Time:            Full-Time


The Pennsylvania State University Libraries seek applications for the position of Records Analyst, a position that has primary responsibility for assisting in the University Records Management Program’s initiatives and projects. The Records Analyst will be responsible for working collaboratively with departments, offices, units and the network of Records Management Liaisons and Assistants by leading in the development of records and file organization plans/guides. Specifically the Records Analyst will inventory, review and analyze University records currently in storage or managed in offices by units. The Records Analyst may help staff prepare records for storage at the Inactive Records Center, transfer to the University Archives and to be digitized and/or managed in electronic recordkeeping systems. The Records Analyst will assist the Records Management Officer with updates to the University Records Retention Schedules based on the review and analysis of office/unit recordkeeping practices, business processes, and resources such as available storage and systems.  


This position will provide guidance to University employees to organize both physical and electronic records and assist offices/units in coordinating records cleanup projects. The Records Analyst will help with individual or group consultations for Records Management best practices and Inactive Records Center services/systems. This position may also assist in organizing the series of workshops and conferences geared towards educating Records Management Liaisons and Assistants as well as other University employees in the proper retention and disposition of University records in compliance with University Policy AD35, University Archives and Records Management. Additionally, the Records Analyst may collaborate with Special Collections and University Archives staff to help them coordinate with office/unit staff for the review and appraisal of University records deemed to have historical and research value.


The person appointed to the position will work under the direction of the Records Management Officer and in collaboration with the Inactive Records Center Supervisor and Assistant and any other staff serving Records Management functions. Typically requires a Bachelor’s degree or higher plus 4 years of related experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Familiarity and experience with current trends and practice for records management, legal requirements for records, and inactive records storage; and experience working with online education deliverables, websites, blogs, and social media is highly desired. The successful candidate will need to have excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, superior written and oral communication proficiency, and the ability to work effectively, both independently and collaboratively, in a collegial environment. The University Libraries is a multicultural environment that embraces respect and diversity.



  • Works in collaboration with the any and all departments/units of the University and Commonwealth Campuses to analyze records classifies, write descriptions and research appropriate retention and disposition requirements for each records series. 
  • Prepares retention schedule and file organization plan drafts for review and approval by the Unit, Records Management Officer, and the Records Management Advisory Committee (RMAC.
  • Conducts research of federal and state laws, institutional policies and procedures as well as departmental/unit business processes and services to understand records management requirements. Documents necessary information to provide evidence of conclusions.
  • Reviews updated and new federal and state laws and regulations that may affect retention and disposition requirements or records management processes/services and make recommendations to change records retention schedules.
  • Assist the department/unit staff in coordination with University Archives and Special Collection Library faculty and staff on transferring University Records into the University Archives collection.
  • Assist in the creation of training materials, and train users on active records systems, and inactive records center systems, and email systems.
  • Assist in the planning and developing training and outreach events, such as quarterly meetings, training series/workshops, annual summits, commonwealth campus visits.
  • Assist in the oversight of the Records Management Liaison and Assistant network by maintaining and updating network lists, department names, training dates, and contact information.
  • Develops recurring Records Management Program newsletters, announcements and updates for information sharing with networks, committees and stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with departments/units across the University in creating common definitions for file names, organization plans and file content descriptions.
  • Works with departments/units to align them with University policies and procedures pertaining to records management.
  • Develop, maintain, and improve relationships with University faculty, staff, researchers, vendors and colleagues from peer institutions.
  • Maintains knowledge and awareness of current industry trends as well as current methods and technologies related to records and information management. Pursues Certified Records Analyst or Certified Records Manager credentials.
  • Acts as Secretary of the Records Management Advisory Committee.

To view the full position and apply, please follow this link.