Call for Proposals: ALISE Book Series
Posted October 3, 2018
The ALISE Book Series editors welcome proposals from the international LIS community. The book series is published by Rowman & Littlefield and addresses issues critical to Library and Information Science education and research through the publication of epistemologically grounded scholarly texts which are inclusive of regional and national contexts around the world.
Series Editors
- Jaya Raju, University of Cape Town ([email protected])
- Dietmar Wolfram, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ([email protected])
Call for Proposals
Before submitting your proposal for the series, please review the guidelines.
Proposals relating to education and/or research in the following broad areas, inter alia, are welcome:
- Education of library and information professionals
- Socio-cultural or international perspectives in library and information services
- Information and communication technologies
- Cultural heritage preservation and promotion
- Data and knowledge management
- Data science
- Human-computer interaction and design
- Information organization and retrieval
- Information services and practices
- Scholarly communication in the digital era
Please contact the editors if you have any questions about the series.
The Association for Library and Information Science Education is a non-profit organization that serves as the intellectual home of faculty, staff, and students in Library and Information Science and allied disciplines. It promotes innovation and excellence internationally through leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and dissemination of scholarship.