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Call for Articles: Digital Library Perspectives

Open Education Resources (OERs) are growing both in the number available and in their application for different educational contexts. While OER research is quite active, there remain important opportunities for research to extend beyond its current focus to also examine information-centric problems. For example, the majority of research on OERs focuses on either educational impact or cost savings for students or schools. Often missing in OER research is the examination of how users (e.g., instructors, teachers, students) find, access, assess, and revise the many number of OER resources already available. OER research allows for new and original information-centric findings, which would be expected to receive attention from scholars and practice-oriented researchers throughout library and information science and different education areas. Because OERs are both content and online tools developed for applied purposes and tasks, a range of information-centric topics such as information evaluation, design, information interaction, information seeking, and information retrieval would be relevant to the special issue.

We invite authors to submit their research on Open Education Resources with information centered themes such as (but not limited to):

  • information seeking
  • information retrieval
  • information search
  • information design
  • information interaction
  • information practices
  • information ethics
  • information assessment and evaluation

The special issue will bridge education research with information science research. A natural link exists between these bodies of research, including a special connection between information science and the learning sciences, a relatively new education research field that combines scientific research with design to both study and create learning opportunities. Consequently, articles may also be able to demonstrate opportunities for interdisciplinary research centered around the topic of OERs.

Submissions should comply with the journal author guidelines and should be made through ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. 

Important Dates:
Initial submissions due date:  December 1st, 2018 
Preliminary Feedback notification:  January 15th, 2019 
Revised submissions due:  March 1st, 2019 
Peer review / editorial decisions due:  April 15th, 2019 
Final submissions due:  June 1st, 2019 
Expected publication: Summer 2019

Questions can be directed to Dan Albertson at [email protected] 

Information on Digital Library Perspectives can be found at: