Call for Participation: CHIIR Doctoral Consortium
Posted September 13, 2018
PhD students working in the area of human computer interaction (HCI, information seeking behaviour (IB) and information retrieval (IR) are invited to submit their proposals for participation in a Doctoral Consortium, which will be held on Sunday, 10 March, 2019, in conjunction with the 4th ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019) in Glasgow, UK (
The Doctoral Consortium has the following objectives:
- To provide valuable feedback to students’ on research methods and plans
- To provide helpful guidance on students’ research directions and topics
- To promote the development of a community of scholars that will help students in their future careers
- To provide students with opportunities to meet and interact with experienced researchers in the areas of human computer interaction, information seeking behaviour and information retrieval.
PhD students of the accepted proposals are expected to present their research at the Doctoral Consortium. We welcome submissions representing a broad spectrum of research topics relevant to the CHIIR community. Participants will benefit from the advice of senior researchers in the field and from the interaction with peers being at a similar stage of their careers.
PhD students interested in engaging in detailed discussions on their research at the Doctoral Consortium are invited to submit a 4-page paper (maximum) describing their thesis work and, in particular, provides clear discussions on:
- The research problem being addressed
- The research methodology and techniques being applied
- The solution being proposed and its validity
- The relation of the work to the state of the art in HCI, IB and IR
The submitted paper should be discussed with students’ respective PhD supervisors before submission. It should adhere to the submission guidelines for the CHIIR conference, available:
Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium jury (see below). The review of the reported research in each proposal will take into account its originality, its potential for advancing the CHIIR related research, and whether the work is at a stage where the student can benefit from participating in the consortium. Rejected submissions will receive written feedback. Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained throughout the review process.
Authors will be notified of the result of their submission by 30 November 2018. Accepted doctoral candidates will receive instructions on how to submit a camera-ready copy of their proposal, and will receive information on the preparation of the presentation and poster.
Acceptance to the Doctoral Consortium is an honour. In turn, accepted candidates are expected to fully commit themselves to the success of the consortium by being open to new ideas and suggestions and providing ideas and suggestions to other participants.
Accepted DC student participants will be encouraged to apply for ACM SIGIR Student Travel Grants to assist with their travel to CHIIR 2019.
More information about the travel awards is available:
- DC paper submission: 21 October, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: 30 November, 2018
- Camera-ready copy: TBD
- Consortium: 10 March, 2019