Call for Proposals: Bridging the Spectrum
Posted September 7, 2018
Bridging the Spectrum:
The 11th Annual Symposium on Scholarship and Practice
Time: Friday, February 8, 2019. 9:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Place: Catholic University of America
The Library and Information community is invited to participate in the 2019 Bridging the Spectrum Symposium, to be held at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, February 8, 2019. The Symposium offers a knowledge-sharing forum and meeting place for practitioners, students, and faculty in Library and Information Sciences and Services.
Presentations are selected to showcase innovative practices, projects, and research activities in a variety of library, archives, or information services settings. The Symposium encompasses many aspects of the work of information professionals and diverse viewpoints on issues important to society and the information professions. The goal of the Symposium is to foster connections across the spectrum of the information professions.
J. Mark Sweeney, Principal Deputy Librarian of Congress, will be the keynote speaker of the Symposium. In addition to presentations, we will have a poster competition and provide an award for the best poster. More information about the 2019 Symposium is available at
Proposal Submission
The submission system is open at
Proposal topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Information services in the “fake news” era
- New developments in information organization (linked data, semantic web, blockchain, etc.)
- Preservation and management of digital and digitized resources
- Management and analysis of data and information
- Library networks and international collaboration
- Technology trends and impact on information services
- Marketing and advocacy for library and information services (social media, community engagement, etc.)
- Management of information services in cultural institutions
Presentation Formats
Proposed contributions may take the form of one of these formats:
- Briefing: A presentation on an innovative practice, initiative, or research activity. Each briefing may take 15-20 minutes. There will morning and afternoon briefing sessions.
- Panel: A panel of speakers discussing a theme or a topic, typically one hour in length.
- Poster: A poster presentation on a practice, project, research activity or work in progress. Posters will be viewable throughout the day, and there will be a dedicated poster session as well as a “lightning round” of poster descriptions. A best poster award will be presented at the Symposium.
Important Dates
- Proposals Due: September 18, 2018
- Notification of Acceptances: November 5, 2018
- Final Program released, registration opens: December 11, 2018
- Symposium: February 8, 2019
To submit your proposal, go to
Please feel free to contact the Symposium Committee at [email protected]
Symposium Committee:
Drs. Ingrid-Hsieh-Yee (chair), Sue Yeon Syn, and Jane Zhang