Call for Proposals: CIDLIS 2018
Posted July 31, 2018
This year’s theme–What are We Waiting For?–encourages all who are involved and/or interested in LIS to contemplate the ways in which our institutions and our communities might best prioritize which needs to address, as well as the ways in which we can all become more successful as advocates and activists.
To this end, we extend a call for abstracts of papers at the intersection of information, diversity, and inclusion in the areas of education, professions, practice, or research. Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Information professionals and institutions as change agents;
- First-person narratives that address individual or organizational responses to recently enacted policies;
- Methods for effective advocacy for underserved and/or persecuted patron groups;
- Programming and services to traditionally underserved populations (e.g. people with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQIA community).
- Diversity in LIS;
- Cultural competence and LIS;
- Information professionals’ roles in promoting human rights and social justice;
Presenting at CIDLIS is an excellent way to share your ideas and innovations with professionals, academics, students, and government representatives who genuinely want to promote change in the LIS field. Please copy/paste the following URL in order to access the form that allow you to submit the abstract of a paper to be considered for presentation during the conference [
Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM on Monday, September 17, 2018.
Please direct conference-related questions and concerns to Dr. Renee Hill at [email protected].