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Call for Papers: SRJ

The School of Information Student Research Journal (SRJ) is a double-blind peer reviewed publication of the School of Information at San José State University. SRJ promotes graduate scholarship and intellectual inquiry in the fields of library and information science, archives, and records management. 

The iSchool’s SRJ offers open-access, peer-reviewed scholarship on librarianship, archives, and information science and has surpassed 100,000 downloads since beginning publication in 2010, and has been accessed from more than 180 countries.  Read more about this journal here.

CALL FOR PAPERS – Submission deadline: December 1, 2018
The SRJ welcomes articles, reviews, and evidence summaries on a variety of topics related to library and information science.

Submission to the Journal
School of Information Student Research Journal accepts manuscripts and reviews from any current graduate student provided they are enrolled at the time of submission (authors will be asked during submission to declare their institutional affiliation). Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis and may be published according to the editorial schedule or at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

For details on the types of manuscripts SRJ will consider, please review the Journal’s Aims & Scope on our website.  Authors may submit a manuscript electronically into our review system providing the following details for each submission:

  • Keywords : 5-8 keywords that best describe your submission.
  • Abstract : 150-250 words, content and style as per APA. (No abstract is required for book reviews).
  • Cover Letter (Optional): A separate cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief briefly stating the purpose of your submission and its expected contribution.

Manuscripts should conform to the Journal’s style guide regarding formatting and citation.

Editorial Decisions & Review Process
Author manuscripts are received by the Editor-in-Chief who conducts a preliminary review of the work for adherence to general submission guidelines and relevance. As warranted, the submission may be discussed anonymously with a member of the Editorial Advisory Board with appropriate expertise for evaluating the manuscript. Once approved, the manuscript is sent to the Managing Editor who coordinates the peer review process. The Editor-in-Chief will advise authors of all manuscripts decisions.

Manuscripts accepted for review will be submitted to at least two peer reviewers in a double-blind review system (this means that the reviewers and authors do not know one another’s identity). The SRJ editorial team function as reviewers for the Journal. Editors review the manuscript and return an evaluation with a recommendation of either:

  • Accept
  • Minor revisions
  • Major revisions
  • Reject

For decisions of either minor or major revisions, authors are encouraged to revise their work according to the recommendations of the reviewers in order to stay competitive for publication. A decision of “accept” is typically reserved for manuscripts which have already undergone one or more rounds of review and revision.

Submit articles at: