SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

International Conference on Information Management & Libraries 2018

For more information (including deadlines) please visit

You are invited to be part of this exciting event, connect with national and international participants, and disseminate your research, experience, opinions in any of the following tracks:

  • Full Research or Opinion papers
  • Short papers or Posters presentation on research in progress
  • Best Practices
  • First 2 tracks need a structured abstract of 500-750 words excluding references (following APA 6th edition) according to the following structure:

Background/introduction; Purpose/problem statement/research questions; Research methodology;  Findings; Conclusion; Research limitations; Implications and Keywords

  • For Best Practices, a write up of 500 words should introduce the practice(s), its novelty, implementation and value for the community.

Authors will be notified about the accepted abstracts after blind reviewing by the program committee. Selected full-text papers will be considered for publishing in Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries.