Call for Papers: Archives and Manuscripts Special Issue
Posted April 6, 2018
Guest Editors
Lise Summers, Independent Scholar, Perth, Australia
Laura Millar, Independent Scholar, British Columbia, Canada
Donald Force, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States
Archives and Manuscripts invites submissions for a theme issue dedicated to research and writing from emerging scholars and new professionals, on the broad theme of archives, records, and information management. Recent graduates, post-graduate and honours students in records and archives management programmes within Australia or around the world are invited to submit papers based on course assignments, projects, theses or other kinds of research work carried out as part of their education. Submissions will also be considered from recent graduates, based on work just completed as part of their academic programme. Recent graduates are defined as those who have graduated from undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate archives, records, or information studies programmes within the last two years.
The guest editors welcome a broad spectrum of submissions on any topics related to records and archives management, including, but not limited to, topics such as:
- records, archives, and information concepts, theories and principles
- the history of records, recordkeeping or archives management
- professional activities, roles, skills, responsibilities and needs
- records and archives systems, technologies or infrastructures
- the impact of digital technologies on records and archives management
- digital preservation
- new ways of teaching and learning about records and archives management
- the impact of changes in theory on records and archives practice
- access, reference and use of archives and records
- users of archives, community(ies) of users and public needs and priorities
- organizational cultures and social structures and their impact on records and recordkeeping
- personal records and recordkeeping activities
- the future of the profession.
Submission Deadlines
- Abstracts must be submitted no later than 4 May 2018.
- Abstracts accepted and authors notified no later than 1 June 2018.
- Full paper submitted: 24 August 2018.
- Confirmation of inclusion in the special issue: 1 December 2018.
Submission Process
Submissions should include the following:
- The author’s full name, physical address, and email address.
- A statement confirming the author’s status as a student or recent graduate, including the name of the educational institution and/or programme of study and date of graduation, if applicable.
- A title for the proposed paper (a tentative title is acceptable)
- An abstract of no more than 500 words, outlining the theme, research question, hypothesis or focus of the paper, the research approach to be taken to the study (for theoretical or conceptual papers) or the research strategy and methodology to be used (for a research paper or case study), and any other details that help explain the intended purpose and scope of the paper.
- Between 3 and 6 keywords to represent the themes or topics in the paper.
For accepted abstracts, the finished papers should be from 6,000-10,000 words, including notes and appendices, prepared according to Archives and Manuscripts editorial guidelines, which are available online at
Please submit your completed abstract by 4 May 2018 to Laura Millar by email: [email protected].
If your abstract is accepted, you will need to submit the full paper through the Taylor & Francis portal at
On behalf of the editorial team, Laura Millar is happy to receive informal enquiries and questions in advance of the deadline. Please contact her at [email protected] if you have any questions or ideas about your potential contribution to this special issue of Archives and Manuscripts.