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Executive Director, Stone Quarry Hill Art Park, Cazenovia, NY

The Executive Director is responsible for guiding the successful operation of the programs and landscape of the Stone Quarry Hill Art Park. This includes on-going development and day-to-day oversight of the diverse programs, the integration of landscape and art, marketing, community relations, and fiscal and personnel management.

Application materials are required to be submitted to Kelli Johnson, Interim Executive Director at: [email protected] 

For inquires related to the search, contact Matt Potteiger, Chair of the Search Committee, at [email protected] or via phone at 315-427-9208.

Include in your application: C.V. or resume, a narrative description of your background, interests, and qualifications for the position. Include a brief discussion of what would see as the opportunities of integrating art and landscape at Stone Quarry Hill Art Park, a list of at least three references with addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Please indicate your relationship to each person on this list. Although applications will be accepted until the position is filled, candidates should submit their application by May 21, 2018, to assure optimal consideration. Interviews are anticipated in June of 2018 with a negotiable Summer 2018 start date.