Call for Applications: SLA New England Student Stipend
Posted February 16, 2018
SLA New England is pleased to announce a $1,250 stipend available to a
current MLIS student in the New England area to attend the 2018 SLA
Conference, held in Baltimore, MD.
The Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit global organization for innovative
information professionals and their strategic partners. SLA serves more than 7,000
members in 75 countries in the information profession, including corporate, academic,
and government information specialists. SLA promotes and strengthens its members
through learning, advocacy, and networking initiatives.
Why attend the SLA Annual Conference?
- Networking opportunities – share your experiences and learn from other information professionals.
- Over 200 events, including educational programs, networking events, receptions, and tours.
- The latest technologies from leading industry partners, all under one roof in the INFO-EXPO Hall.
SLA New England Student Stipend Award Criteria
- Be currently enrolled as a degree candidate at an ALA-accredited academic program in Library and Information Science.
- Be a member of SLA – award may go to covering student membership fee if not already a current member.
- Be a first time attendee of a SLA conference.
Submit a document containing the following information/elements:
- Full name
- Academic affiliation: Institution and Program
- Start date of program; number of semesters and courses completed as of December 2017; and anticipated date of graduation
- Contact information, including mailing address, telephone, and email
- Other SLA division awards, if any, for which you are applying
- An essay of no more than 1 page (see details below), double-spaced
- Current resume
ESSAY DESCRIPTION: Write a 1-page, double-spaced essay on why you should attend the annual conference and how the conference will benefit your career aspirations. Submissions will be judged based on originality and clarity as well as on inclusion of all required information. Spelling, grammar, and completion of all required information will count in judging.
APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Completed applications should be emailed as a single file attachment in Microsoft Word or PDF to Jill Aberdale & Katie Glasoe, SLA New England Student Relations Committee Co-Chairs, at the following email address: [email protected] &/or [email protected]. Please contact Jill &/or Katie with questions about the application process.
POST AWARD: Awardee will be required to write a short post about his/her conference experience for the SLA New England Website. Awardee is encouraged to serve a one year term as a member of the Student Relations Committee of the SLA New England Chapter (may be accomplished virtually, if the recipient is no longer a New England resident following graduation).
Applicants will receive notification of award status by the middle of April. The recipient of the award will receive a one-time stipend of $1,250 which may be applied to SLA membership costs, SLA student conference registration fee, transportation, and lodging costs. The recipient is responsible for making their own conference and registration arrangements. Any costs above and beyond the stipend amount will be the personal responsibility of the recipient.