Call for Applications: LEADS-4-NDP Fellowship Project
Posted February 12, 2018
LIS Education and Data Science-4-the National Digital Platform (LEADS-4-NDP)
Accepting applications now for LEADS-4-NDP Fellowship Project, Summer 2018 (
Drexel University’s College of Computing and Informatics (CCI), the Metadata Research Center, and project partners invite doctoral students to participate in the LIS Education and Data Science-4-the National Digital Platform (LEADS-4-NDP) program and become LEADS Fellows.
LEADS Fellowship partners include: California Digital Library, University of California, Office of the President; Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC), University of Maryland’s iSchool; Digital Public Library of America (DPLA); Digital Research Services, University Penn Libraries; Free Library of Philadelphia; Historical Society of Pennsylvania; OCLC; and Smithsonian Libraries, Biodiversity Heritage Library.
LEADS Fellows will receive a $5000 stipend and additional financial support for a 3-day Data Science Bootcamp at Drexel University (early June 2018), an NDP site visit during the summer, and conference travel during the 2018/2019 academic year to share project outcomes.
Important Dates
- LEADS-4-NDP Application Deadline: Friday, March 30, 2018, 5:00 PM EST
- Notification of acceptance: Mid-April, 2018
- Data Science Bootcamp at Drexel University: Early June, 2018 (tentative, June 7-9, 2018)
LEADS Fellows will:
- Complete an online, self-paced curriculum of approximately 7 to 10 hours of work (late May 2018).
- Attend the 3-day Drexel Data Science Bootcamp with other LEADS Fellows.
- Complete a virtual 10-week summer data science internship coordinated with a selected NDP site. (*Note: some LEADS Fellows may have the option to be on-site, if they live within the vicinity of their selected NDP site.)
- Develop a communication plan to connect with mentors on a regular basis.
- Share the results of their summer experience with their home institution.
Application requirements
- Applicants must be a doctoral student who has an interest in data science and library science applications. Their doctoral degree program must be in an institution that also hosts an ALA accredited master’s degree program.
- Applicants must complete the application form at: and upload the application materials requested.
- Applicants must rank their top three choices for their data science summer internship placement on the form.