Call for Proposals: NELIG Annual Conference
Posted January 31, 2018
Developing Critical Thinkers: Going Beyond Information Literacy
University of Southern Maine
Portland, ME
Friday, June 8, 2018
The New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG), an interest group of ACRL New England, requests breakout session proposals for its Annual Program titled “Developing Critical Thinkers: Going Beyond Information Literacy” to be held at University of Southern Maine, in Portland, ME, on Friday, June 8, 2018. This year’s program will explore the role of literacies beyond information literacy that librarians incorporate in instruction.
Instruction librarians often focus their time and efforts on information literacy skills that students need to thrive in rigorous liberal arts-based academic teaching/learning environments, and that follow the ACRL’s retired Standards, current Framework, or institutional competencies. But, we know that students also need to be literate and critical of data, visual communications, health, finances, social inequities and much more.
We seek proposals that demonstrate, discuss or explore these other elements of information literacy, including but not limited to: financial, data, critical, health, media, visual, technology, etc.
Each presenter should plan on speaking for 30-35 minutes with an additional 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion (45 minutes total). We are looking for individual, group, or panel presentations by librarians and/or their collaborative colleagues. Interactive workshops involving computers/devices and hands-on activities are welcome.
NELIG encourages librarians with any amount of experience to submit a proposal, and we are dedicated to providing opportunities for librarians to learn practical ideas from one another. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions about presenting.
Proposals are due by Friday, March 16, 2018 and should be submitted via the link below. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status by Friday, March 30, 2018 after a blind review by the planning committee.
Email your questions and concerns to [email protected].