Call for Proposals: e-Science Symposium
Posted January 16, 2018
The e-Science Symposium Planning Committee invites you to submit a proposal for participation at the 10th Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian eScience Symposium, to be held on Thursday, April 5, 2018 at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, MA.
This year’s symposium theme “Libraries in Data Science: Past and Future” celebrates the 10th anniversary of the e-Science symposium by looking at how far things have come, and focusing on the future of libraries in data science.
We are interested in receiving proposals for presentations, interactive workshops and posters that highlight librarians involved in the four areas listed below. Proposals can focus on the evolution of these topics, current projects, future directions, etc.
Proposals should be tied to one of these four categories:
- Data Repositories
- Data Visualization
- Data Outreach
- Data Rescue
Breakout Sessions: 60-minute presentation or interactive workshop. Selected presenters will receive an honorarium and all travel expenses paid for by the NN/LM NER. All sessions will be video recorded and featured on the e-Science Symposium website. Because there are a limited number of breakout sessions, all presentation and interactive workshop proposals will be considered for a poster presentation.
The deadline for submitting a Breakout Session abstract is Friday, February 2, 2018.
Proposal decisions will be made by Friday, February 16, 2018.
Poster Session: Awards to the Most Informative Poster in Communicating e-Science Librarianship, Poster for Best Example of e-Science in Action, and Best Poster Overall.
The deadline for submitting a Poster Session abstract is Friday, February 2, 2018.
Proposal decisions will be made by Friday, February 16, 2018.
Submit or Learn More → (https://escholarship.