SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Library Media Specialist, Wakefield Public Schools, Wakefield, MA

LOCATION: Greenwood/Walton

SALARY: Per Contract

QUALIFICATION Mass DESE Certification in Library media

DUTIES​ ​& ​ RESPONSIBILITES: See Job Description

CLOSING​ ​ ​DATE: Open until filled

STARTING​ ​ ​DATE: September 1, 2017

RESUMES​ ​TO​ ​BE​ ​FORWARDED​ ​TO: Jeff​ ​Weiner,​ ​Technology​ ​Director Wakefield​ ​Public​ ​Schools 60​ ​Farm​ ​Street Wakefield,​ ​MA​ ​01880

The​ ​Wakefield​ ​Public​ ​Schools​ ​are​ ​committed​ ​to​ ​the​ ​prevention​ ​of​ ​harassment​ ​and discrimination​ ​based​ ​upon​ ​sex,​ ​race,​ ​color,​ ​ethnicity/national​ ​origin,​ ​religion,​ ​age, handicap/disability,​ ​sexual​ ​orientation,​ ​physical​ ​appearance,​ ​and​ ​physical/mental​ ​capacity.

Position​ ​Title: Library​ ​Media​ ​Specialist/Technology​ ​Integration​ ​Coach

Department: Greenwood-Walton​ ​Library​ ​Media​ ​Specialist

Reports​ ​to: Deb​ ​Collura,​ ​Principal Definition

The LMS job description includes information cited from the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) as well as standards from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).


At least 2-3 years’ work experience in a school library as a Library Media Specialist or a Technology Integration Specialist. Experience as a classroom teacher is a plus.

Certification Mass DESE Certification in Library Media


  • Organization, administration, and evaluation of the school Learning Commons
  • Submit annual budget proposal for print, digital, and subscription resources that meet curriculum needs and supports classroom integration
  • Collaborate with the principal and school community to set a vision for the Learning Commons and its effective use
  • Performs all necessary tasks related to developing and curating the Learning Commons collection to support state curriculum standards. This includes all digital and print media and research tools.
  • Establish sustainable structures to support teacher peer modeling of research based technology integration strategies, providing opportunity for follow-up and feedback on a regular basis (i.e. teacher to teacher instructional practice observations with debrief)
  • Build the capacity of groups of teachers integrating instructional technology using rigorous curriculum across content areas
  • Serve as a leader and coach by maintaining relationships and supporting the instructional efforts of elementary educators and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to use technology to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Facilitates alignment of the library media program with information literacy goals and other school programs
  • Facilitates alignment of technology integration with literacy goals and curriculum frameworks
  • Coordinate and teach lessons that are aligned to digital literacy standards (DLCS) and the American Association of School Librarian standards (AASL). These lessons should model digital citizenship and active student participation through the use of digital tools, student choice, student voice and multimodalities
  • Remain current on contemporary library science and emerging educational technology research and professional development
  • Demonstrate an understanding of student learning needs and differentiation using technology as an instructional tool, including social media
  • Outstanding knowledge of children’s literature as well as genres relevant to the library collection
  • Develop and maintain print publications and digital spaces such as blogs, wikis, websites, video channels
  • Partner with the other Library Media Specialists and the Technology Director to maintain a working schedule that supports flexible collaboration with classes, teachers, PLCs, and administration
  • Collaborate, design and present effective professional development workshops at the school and district level for classroom teachers
  • Supports teachers and students with the selection and utilization of digital learning tools for research, and hands-on learning
  • Collaborate with school and district technology team to review, assess, and refine the District Technology Plan
  • Provides support and guidance for all faculty in the areas of library media and technology.
  • Exhibits an outstanding level of teacher support and collaborative spirit

Physical Demands: the physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

The information contained in this job description is for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) and is not an exhaustive list of the duties performed for this position. Additional duties are performed by the individuals currently holding this position and additional duties may be assigned.