Funded Ph.D., Information Science, Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN
Posted November 16, 2017
Funded Ph.D. in Information Science at Indiana University-Bloomington
Apply now for a Ph.D. in Information Science at Indiana University-Bloomington.
The Indiana University Ph.D. program in Information Science is pleased to accept applications for admission starting in Fall 2018. Our doctoral program is one of the longest continuously running Information Science programs in the United States, celebrating more than 50 years and more than 185 graduates. Our graduates hold positions that include Deans of iSchools and libraries, distinguished professors at top-ranked iSchools, directors of doctoral programs, editors of journals, and presidents of national professional associations. Our Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science program is training the next generation of information scientists. Doctoral students are advised by faculty who are engaged in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in areas such as:
- social informatics
- computer-mediated communication
- knowledge organization and representation
- digital curation
- digital libraries
- digital and computational humanities
- data and text mining
- social media mining
- documentation
- cultural heritage informatics
- history of the book, readership, and publishing
Students benefit from being part of our active community of scholars, which includes affiliations with the following Indiana University research centers: the Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities, the HathiTrust Research Center, the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI), and the Center for Computer-Mediated Communication Research (CCMC).
Indiana University is renowned for its high-performance computing and networking facilities, top-ranked music school, and performing and fine arts. It is the home to world-renowned documentary and data institutes, including the Lilly Library of rare books and manuscripts, the Kinsey Institute collection, the campus-wide Media Digitalization and Preservation Initiative, the Mathers Museum of World Cultures, the Archives of Traditional Music, the Black Film Center/Archive, the Eskanazi Museum of Art, and one of the nation’s largest academic library systems. Located in the wooded rolling hills of southern Indiana, Bloomington is a culturally thriving college town with a moderate cost of living and the amenities for an active lifestyle.
We are pleased to accept new applications through December 1, 2017. Please see the Department of Information and Library Science page on Graduate Admissions for details on how to apply:
Funding packages of up to $50,000 per year are available for top candidates.
Contact Dr. Howard Rosenbaum, Graduate Programs Director, with questions at [email protected].