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Research/Graduate Assistant, Simmons College, Boston, MA

Research Assistant/Graduate Assistant Position


Position: Seeking a Simmons graduate student for a Research/Graduate Assistant, AY 2017-2018 to start immediately.


Working with: Mary Shapiro, Trust Professor for Leadership Development


Compensation: $20/hour for 5 hours per week


Description of responsibilities: The Trust Professorship was established in 2014 to develop a leadership platform for undergraduates at Simmons. While much progress has been made, specifically in the development of a required First Year leadership course in PLAN (the General education core experience of all undergraduates), there is still much to do!  As the GA/RA assisting in that work, you will work with me to:

  • Continue to populate a compendium of leadership articles and materials that is available to all faculty teaching the PLAN Leadership course. 
  • Conduct literature searches on leadership that underpins my current research on women and confidence, social trait theory and leadership, and the phenomenon of male allies and women’s advancement into leadership.  This includes annotating current and new articles.
  • Conduct a review of how other colleges are addressing leadership (courses, majors, minors, certificates) to support the creation of a leadership certificate at Simmons. 
  • Support the planning and implementation of leadership events on campus, such as workshops, the on-campus simulcast of the Simmons Leadership Conference, and the Leadership Showcase at the undergraduate symposium.
  • Support the planning and implementation of a university-wide convening of staff and faculty engaged in leadership efforts with the goal of identifying how we currently support student leadership development, and identify synergies and unmet needs.
  • Other activities as evolved and interested in!


Competencies needed: Given the responsibilities of the position, the qualifications include:

  • strong capacity in database search and management
  • intermediate skills in Excel  (able to build, manipulate, import data)
  • is a good critical thinker and writer
  • good project management skills with ability to autonomously follow through on plans
  • enjoys the topics of leadership, gender, higher education and the undergraduate experience.
  • has a GPA of 3.5 or above


Application: If you are interested, please submit the following to by October 9:

  • A resume or CV.
  • A word.doc (no more 750 words) that includes the following:
    • Why are you interested in this position?
    • Describe how you meet the job’s requirements.
    • Describe how you would approach this work. 
    • A writing sample. This could be a course deliverable (ie, paper, case analyses) or something from your professional life.