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Metadata Manager, Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA

The Higher Education Metadata Manager is responsible for the integrity, evolution, and promotion of clean, useful product and asset metadata records for Higher Ed. This requires a mastery understanding of product information management and the related systems, as well as a working knowledge of how this information technically drives the metadata lifecycle through websites, distribution feeds, and financial and reporting systems. The HE Metadata Manager is responsible for the quality guidelines around record setup of HBS, HBP, and partner content. With a focus on the comprehensive capture of administrative and descriptive metadata, this position ensures downstream systems have straightforward, accurate product and asset metadata. This includes integrating descriptive business education taxonomies defined by the Marketing team into the intake and record setup process to support search and findability goals. The HE Metadata Manager has a distinct understanding of HBP’s and HE’s data models, drives HE’s metadata management and development, and supports other teams in their use of HE’s metadata. Because Higher Education has a substantial catalog of content that is used across the company and its metadata requirements and restrictions are complex, the HE Metadata Manager has a leading role in governance and stewardship initiatives with internal stakeholders and external content providers. This position is also responsible for ensuring HE metadata management tools and other databases and software are aligned with the product information management system. 

HE Metadata Structure 

  • Maintain a detailed understanding of HE’s metadata model, as well as a working knowledge of other market units’ models and HBP’s information and technical architecture to inform HE intake decisions and change requests. 
  • Ensure administrative (operational, functional) metadata is comprehensive and straightforward, and collaborate with the Marketing taxonomist on descriptive metadata to guarantee a cohesive intake structure.
  • Evaluate, make recommendations, and collaborate on the implementation of new or changing fields and values, with an eye toward standards and best practices. Recommendations could include establishing controlled vocabularies, the graceful deprecation of older fields and values, etc. 

Intake and Record Setup 

  • In coordination with the Operations intake staff, analyze incoming content for metadata quality and accuracy to the content in adherence to contract specifications and HE standards, focusing on clean intake for overall catalog quality. 
  • Coordinate with the Marketing taxonomist to ensure the integration of the business education taxonomy metadata during the intake process.
  • Update metadata intake guidelines to effectively map incoming HBS and partner metadata to HE’s metadata.
  • Establish and socialize new product intake requirements for metadata. 

Management and Governance 

  • Own the governance over HE’s metadata intake and setup, including product and asset metadata. 
  • Ensure metadata management tools, databases, and software are aligned with HE’s metadata model and integrated with PIM as needed (Synaptica, Kaltura, Forio, etc.).
  • Collaborate with company-wide operational and marketing stakeholders around overlapping and disparate metadata needs in an effort to streamline technical work, establish consistency of intake, and ensure the necessary product information is being captured.
  • Develop and sustain non-technical user guides and documentation for use in trainings, just-in-time support, and troubleshooting.
  • Establish and track metadata-related metrics and reporting. 


  • Collaborate with the Content Operations Systems Analyst and the Content Operations team, HE Tech developers, reporting experts, and IT teams to ensure HE metadata is being used accurately and effectively downstream. 
  • Mentor Operations intake staff and promote a common understanding of fields and values across the organization.
  • Serve as HE metadata resource on teams to enhance the collective understanding of HE’s metadata and support goals.

Please apply online.