SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Adult Services/ILL Assistant, Medford Public Library, Medford, MA

This librarian will coordinate out-of-network interlibrary loan services and will work on the Information Desk. The MPL is a busy place with a high volume of ILL and a very high volume of Information Desk traffic. Our ideal candidate is detail-oriented and good with the public. Must have a sense of humor and the ability to handle a lot of things at once. 

This is a 25 hour part-time, non-union position. MLS preferred but we will consider an MLS in progress, or bachelors’ degree with library experience. Experience with ILL and/or Sierra a plus. One night and an average of one Saturday per month. $18.00 per hour (MLS).  $14.00 per hour (bachelor’s degree or MLS in progress).

Deadline to apply is August 31. Please submit resume and cover letter to [email protected] or mail to:

Library Director

Medford Public Library

111 High St. 

Medford, MA 02155