Open Lecturer, UBC iSchool, Vancouver, Canada
Posted June 21, 2017
An exciting opportunity to join our dynamic iSchool at the University of British Columbia, a top 40 internationally ranked university located in beautiful Vancouver, Canada:
The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS the iSchool@ubc) at the University of British Columbia invites applications for two full-time Lecturer positions commencing as early as August 1, 2017, for initial 1-year term appointment, with possibility of renewal for a further year depending on performance appraisal and availability of funding. The successful candidates will have teaching and research interests/experience in the area of Library and Information Studies.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. (or expect to have successfully defended prior to the start date of the appointment). Applicants must provide strong evidence of their teaching ability and effectiveness. Applicants with the knowledge and experience necessary to teach in one or more of the following areas are invited to apply (those able to teach across multiple areas will be given preference): digital technologies, databases and computing, digital preservation, public libraries, academic libraries, management of information organizations, library services, human information behaviour and human computer interaction.
The full advertisement is available here: