Call for Submissions: DataONE Users Group (DUG), Bloomington, IN
Posted June 8, 2017
Registration is open until July 17th for the DataONE Users Group (DUG)
Meeting will be held July 24th – 25th 2017 and co-located with the Summer
ESIP Federation Meeting at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. The DataONE Users Group (DUG) meeting will be a 2-day event featuring plenary presentations, topical breakout sessions, and community-led discussions.
*There is no registration fee to attend and participate in the DUG meeting*
Information, registration and group hotel rates can be found at:
Meeting Theme and Objectives
The 2017 meeting theme, “Data Discoverability, Reproducibility, and
Sustainability,” will bring together stakeholders to explore current
advancements in these areas. Community talks and posters that explore broad topics of discoverability, reproducibility and sustainability are invited.
Some examples are provided below:
Data Discoverability:
- Describing, Documenting, and Representing Data
- Connecting journal articles to datasets to repositories
- Distinguishing between publishing, data, preservation repositories
- Best Practices, Guidelines, and Standards
- Procedures, Tools, and Workflows
- Projects, Prototypes, and Use Cases
- Collaborations, Partnerships, and Stakeholders
- Infrastructure, Resources, and Support
- Computation, Integration, and Certification
DataONE encourages DataONE Member Nodes, data scientists, researchers, scientists, students and others to submit abstracts for posters and talks.
Abstract Submission for Posters
Abstracts for posters are solicited during the registration process. Poster
submissions will remain open until July.
Important dates
Hotel block available: *July 7, 2017 or until filled*
Meeting registration and poster submission deadline: *July 17, 2017*