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Social Sciences Research and Instruction Liaison, Wheaton College, Norton, MA

The Social Sciences Research and Instruction Liaison serves as a consultant, an educator, and a frequent point of contact to faculty and students, primarily in the social sciences, but also including other programs. This position is a part of the Liaison Team of the Research and Instruction Department, a group composed of professional educators and librarians. Liaisons are assigned to different areas of the curriculum to ensure that the faculty and students have appropriate support and access to the information resources and technologies necessary to their disciplines.

Responsibilities of the Social Sciences Research and Instruction Liaison include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Promote information, technology, and data literacy for Wheaton’s social sciences students so that they can use information and technology tools and resources effectively, analytically, ethically, legally, and critically.
  • Provide support for instruction, innovation, and teaching with technology by working in partnership with faculty and colleagues in the library to encourage and support effective instruction methods and use of technology and information resources.
  • Facilitate the use of information resources and technology in teaching, learning, and scholarship for faculty and students.
  • Provide research consultations and instructional services for assigned areas.
  • Actively engage with the College’s technology-enhanced teaching and learning initiatives. Introduce and implement improvements to make the best use of technology in teaching, including course logistics, content delivery, course discussion, and student collaboration.
  • Collaborate with other library and academic staff to further the mission and priorities of the College.
  • Participate in the development of a new Center for Teaching and Learning/Learning Commons.
  • Serve on committees and workgroups as assigned.
  • Remain current with developments in relevant areas and technologies.
  • Provide supervision of student employees as necessary.

To apply and for more details on qualifications click here