Library Media Specialist, Deerfield Elementary School, South Deerfield, MA
Posted June 2, 2017
Organizes, evaluates, selects and ensures processing of library/media center materials. Informs staff, students and parents of materials, activities and services of library/media center. Familiarity with Destiny software a plus. Collaborate with classroom teachers to align instruction with grade level curriculum during the 2017-18 school year. Leads initiatives to integrate technology and media tools to support student and teacher growth in technology skills and 21st century learning. Experience working with school age children. This opportunity expires August 30th, 2017. For more information, contact [email protected].
- MA Library Educator Licensure.
- Demonstrated competency in automated library management systems and electronic research.
- Demonstrated successful teaching in a school library media setting
Send resume and letter of interest to: Jeanine Heil, Principal
Deerfield Elementary School
21 Pleasant Street
South Deerfield, MA 01373
Deerfield Elementary School
21 Pleasant Street
South Deerfield, MA 01373