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Call for Papers, ALISE 2018, Denver, CO

ALISE 2018, DenverCOFebruary 69, 2018

Historical Perspectives Special Interest Group (SIG) Call for Papers

The ALISE Historical Perspectives SIG invites the submission of abstracts for a panel at the 2018 conference in Denver:

Over the years, library historian Wayne Weigand has called our attention to three core professional values: reading, place, and users as the focus for our understanding of libraries. Primary sources inform his vision of librarianship as a field which should prioritize these three facets in order to serve diverse communities.  

The 2018 ALISE Historical Perspectives SIG seeks papers to constitute a panel that will critically engage these powerful, evidence-based, and elegant conceptual tools.  Specifically, we seek papers that examine the degree to which these framing themes inform LIS education and how they might apply to histories of all types of libraries in the United States and abroad.

Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, though a selectnumber of references can be supplied in addition to this word limit.  Send queries and abstracts to SIG co-conveners Jennifer Burek Pierce ([email protected]du) and Anthony Bernier ([email protected]) by July 15, 2017.