SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Head of Circulation, Robbins Library, Arlington, MA

Do you pride yourself on your customer service skills? Is your enthusiasm for public libraries barely containable? Join our team of innovative, motivated library professionals! The Head of Circulation oversees the personnel and day-to-day operations of our busy circulation department. Duties include:

  • scheduling and supervising Circulation desk staff (six dedicated part-time library assistants, plus three library assistants from other departments who work some hours at the Circulation desk)
  • performing all circulation desk functions
  • preparing department statistics, monthly and other periodic reports
  • representing the Circulation Department at Minuteman Library Network meetings and special interest groups
  • planning, evaluating, recommending and implementing policies and procedures
  • hiring, training and evaluating library assistants and pages
  • training and overseeing a strong library volunteer corps

As a member of the library’s leadership team, the Head of Circulation attends regular Department Head meetings and participates in committee work as needed to achieve library project goals. The successful candidate enjoys working side-by-side with staff, leading by example and seeking professional development opportunities to hone their skills.


Education and Experience

Bachelor’s Degree; three years of professional library experience; experience in automated circulation management; supervisory experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Knowledge, Ability and Skill

Knowledge of library policies and procedures, including RFID circulation systems, periodical management and information technology. Thorough knowledge of circulation department operations. Broad knowledge of literature.

Ability to interact tactfully and appropriately with library patrons. Ability to work independently. Ability to learn computer operations and related library databases.

Supervisory and organizational skills. Excellent computer skills. Excellent customer service skills. Demonstrated patience and creative problem solving skills. Oral and written communication skills.

Salary $49,032 – $63,446

Closing Date May 22, 2017

How to Apply

Please submit a cover letter and resume to:

Town of Arlington
Human Resources Department
730 Mass Ave. Annex
Arlington, MA 02476
[email protected]