SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Youth Services Librarian, Plymouth Public Library, Plymouth, MA

The Town of Plymouth seeks qualified applicants for the position of Professional Librarian for the Youth Services Department at the Plymouth Public Library. 

Works under the diretion of the Library Director and in conjuction with the Youth Services Librarian performing duties on a professional level. Responsibilites include storytelling, program development, collection development and other activities of a library department. Provides customer service to the public at large, including telephone inquires, computer assisted research and bibliographic instruction. Must have an ALA accreditted Master’s in Library and Information Science. 

Salary $21.9901/hour, 37.5 hours/week. This posting will close on May 24, 2017. Applications are available at or in the Human Resources Office at 11 Lincoln Street, Plymouth, MA 02360. AA/EOE.